Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Not so fast Tomato
Author Poor Yorek
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-12-21
Language English
Scenario WiSo010

German Set-Up: 2xGren + 2xSPW in Petit Coo (hidden); 2xGren on Board 9 cross-roads; rest in Biester on Board 11 (with 20mm in the thorp in 1004-11). The mortars were placed in woods or hill hexes to the east of the main N/S road.

US attack axes: the VC's are such that it is necessary to control all town hexes (save for 1004-11) in order to control the road and all adjacent hexes, whereas one can control all town hexes without controlling the road. Thus, the US decides to avoid the Baord 9 cross-roads sending one company to encircle Biester from the north and west whereas another moves to attack from the north and east. Meanwhile, the reinforced company moves down from the north map edge whilst the Stuarts move south along the western board edge, then follow the road into the western side of Petit Coo to reconnoiter.

This latter turned out to be an error. Before dinner, I was firmly intending for the SS units in Petit Coo simply to bunker down in the northern most town hex and try to hold out as long as they could, using OF to wear down the US infantry. But returning afterwards and seeing those Stuarts in the middle of town with the crews smoking cigars! The SS assaults! Rolls a '6' on the 18-column even with the town defensive shift, rolls '5' and '6' for their INF-borne AT weapons ... and suddenly there are fewer Stuart steps and a lot of black DEM markers. The only luck the US had here was that that AT rolls were low enough that only single-step kills were attained. But the Hughes Curse on the House of Stuart strikes again.

On the south end of the board, the hidden 75/41 kills an M3 bearing an INF and the next turn a step of M4/76 before US OBA and some DF send the weapon and crew to Valhalla.

Mid-Game is a series of US assaults followed by recoveries as the Germans try to hold on. Petit Coo finally falls, but the US can send very little in the way of survivors south. Meanwhile, the 2xGren in the Board 9 cross-roads moves south to harass and damage DEM US units fleeing DF or assaults. Die rolling here went back-and-forth with each side getting in a "better" roll as units were worn down.

The key roll, however, was a German HMG+Gren pair getting in a '12' roll on the 22-col vs. a 3-unit US stack (in town); not only did this kill two steps, but DEM the armor support intended to carry out an assault next turn.

With the 2xGren reinforcing elements and a strong unassaulted German town hex; and US units with a host of black and blue covered units, the game ended with a major German victory.

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