Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Great Premise For A Scenario Spoilt By Ill-Thought Out VC's
Author vince hughes (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants tlangston28 (AAR)
Play Date 2012-12-16
Language English
Scenario EFDx005

This game was played over 2 sessions on Skype against Tony Langston. Having read the scenario, it looked like it would be an interesting battle and I had also remembered Enrique's picture AAR that made it appear a potential good un'. Unfortunately, this turned out not to be the case.

1515 hours: The German forces deployed as near to the bridge as possible as the Soviets left it unprotected. Most of the Soviet infantry were in Alytus itself, some 2km or so from the bridge. Their T26s were arrayed in the area around the bridge, but still some distance from it. The full German force streamed over the bridge, but were still awaiting half of their tanks to arrive. After an hour, the first casualties were rung in as the panzers took out a step of T26. Also, the plentiful Luftwaffe forces in the area had destroyed the Soviet mortars. Canny German tank tactics soon accounted for 2 more platoons of T26’s and their air-force continued to destroy Russian mortars and AT guns. By 1700 hours, the Soviets could see that unless their tanks received some support they would be done for. But was this realization too late ?

The Germans had by now deployed well in advance of the bridge and the other half of their tank force had arrived and were now taking part in the battle. They had pushed about 1.5km forward and the foot soldiers had either dug-in or placed themselves in the woods located there. The Soviets initially attacked these dug-in enemy infantrymen straight on, but devastating bursts from the German MG’s cut to pieces a whole platoon and its Lieutenant within seconds. Seeing this, the Soviet infantrymen began to head for the farmland, though what their purpose was by now was not apparent.

Elsewhere, the Soviet armour was being eliminated in a lop-sided tank battle. A hidden Soviet AT gun was the only unit that recorded any tangible casualties on the invaders as it took out a step of Pz38t’s that passed by its location hidden in wheatfields. This was a solitary success in what was a complete rout and hiding for the defenders. Their tank force had been completely outfought. Their infantry were losing heavily against the less numerous but better positioned German soldiers and the Luftwaffe continued to pound Soviet units wherever they raised their heads. It was turning into a complete rout.

Alytus would fall with heavy casualties and an almost pointless defence. Casualties for the Germans was just 1 Pz38t step. Soviet losses were 7 INF steps, 3 leaders, 4 ordnance pieces and 16 T26 steps. German victory.

It wasn't the rout that made this a poor game. Boy, I enjoy routing enemy forces any time I am given the chance. But it was the silly VC's assigned the game. In this scenario, the Germans must inflict a 2:1 ratio of casualties to win. Now if they inflict the first casualties as the German, a boorish player could simply dig-in his troops and make the Soviets come onto him and at the same time, blast him with the Luftwaffe too. This would then hopefully allow the German to sit back and as a defender continue to knock out a desperate attacking and exposed enemy. I didnt play that way and continued to attack as there were more opportunities to inflict damage.

Now it may have been Tony's play that led to the heavy loss, who can say for sure, but looking at the scenario results, 14 German wins to 1 Soviet would suggest a small imbalance perhaps ? How this scenario has received so many '4' results is a surprise to me as it was so lop-sided. It might be because the premise and historical situation is quite interesting BUT the VC's ruin it. I won't go into how simple VC changes could make this a star-scenario, nor will I bother to add the VC changes I think would do it. It should have been done already ... pity !

One tactic I would suggest to any future Soviet player MAY (and I stress the 'may') be this. At game start, as the Germans only have 6 of their 12 tank units, it could be a shrewd move by the Russians to get their 10 T26's into battle against the 6 German Pz38t's, thus producing a 10 shot v 12 shot situation.(both sides need rolled 10's for kills if shooting at 4 hexes or less). If you wait for the Germans to get their 6 other tanks into action (and they do have a long journey), you are then looking at a 10 shot v 24 shot proposition which is not good for the Russians. Well placed Soviet AT guns may help too (the Soviets have 3), and a bit of support from the infantry in this situation will help balance it even more, especially if they threaten to pounce on the German tanks. In our game, Tony left his T26's out on their own with the infantry tucked away in Alytus picking their noses and never really tried to take the Germans on before their reinforcemnets entered. Would this have helped make the scenario a closer battle ? I don't know without trying. But its worth a try next time round for the Reds.

2012-12-17 11:19


As I mentioned in our post battle discussion, this was a worse beating than Hucheln Town... maybe I should stick to checkers... LOL.

2012-12-17 18:57

Nah Tony,

Don't be silly. This was simply a poorly concieved scenario on VC's.

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