Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Stymied indeed
Author Poor Yorek
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2012-12-06
Language English
Scenario WiSo007

As there are already quite a few AAR's, I shall only note significant play differences.

(ADDED PS): Germans set up all in Renardmont, save for the Puma (see below). I felt this the most defensible town having clear (non-hill) terrain about it.

Entry Rolls: Kampfgruppe Hansen: Turn 2 US Board 9: Turn 4 US Board 24: Turn 3 US Board 11: Turn 2. (Yes, I rolled a 2, 1, 2 for the US entry on Turn 1!)

Puma set up in 10-0710 races to 9-0608 to set an ambush for US recon force. This occurs on Turn 4 with the loss of one M5 step, the half-step being this scenarios "permanently DEM unit" - there is always one.

Turn 5 US OBA thunders a kill on the 75/41 and a GREN step.

A serious battle erupts between the set-up and (now) dug-in SS on board 9 and the US units moving south from 11 and west along 9. The PUMA goes for a pair of M3's, but then loses a key initiative and is taken out by an M4.

Essentially the result at this end is the US armor holds the western end of the E/W road on Board 9, and the US infantry in turn blocks any German counter-attack into the mostly empty, but US controlled town of Ster.

The key combat then takes place on board 24. The US force has the armor bonus in assault and the Germans must risk attacking in town if they hope to use the INF AT factors. End result here is that the US holds five hexes of Renardmont, the Germans two plus the hamlet.

The US never threatens Pafondray which the SS held with 2xGREN and 2x81 (sent there from Kmpfgrp Hansen).

So the final tally of VPs:

US = 22 GER = 18. US narrowly misses out on a minor victory.

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