Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Fast and fun
Author mo caraher (France)
Method Face to Face
Victor France
Participants unknown
Play Date 2012-11-28
Language English
Scenario FaoF014

At only 12 turns Rich and I were able to finish this gem in less than two hours. This scenario features low counter density as well as plenty of interesting units, with 7 different AFV types in play. Perfect for a quick and interesting match. Despite an overwhelming French win (49-26 on VP) this scenario does not look that one-sided to me. My French set up had much of my armour played out across the treeline, about 8 hexes from the north edge, where the Germans would enter. Rich (German) concentrated his approach to the east portion of the map except, for reasons still unknown to me, his PzIV, which he sent in alone down the west edge of the map. Three of my first four shots resulted in armour step losses and a burning truck. I continued to rack up the points, successfully resisting assault and getting some pretty lucky counterattack rolls. By Turn#8 I reckoned I had it in the bag and just pulled back a bit to try not expose myself to any losses. Rich made an unexpected and successful run to the southernmost village hexes in the last couple of turns but, as is often the case, it was too little, too late. Key elements today: The French rolled so many 10+ on AT fire it wasn't funny. Conversely, the Germans rolled a 7 on his OBA six turns in a row. I think this scenario is a lot better balanced than this match would suggest and I expect we'll try it again, sometime.

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