Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Prelude to Disaster
Author Dean_P
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-11-24
Language English
Scenario PaLe019

The US forces start on the north edge of the lone map, and have to take all the hills, clear the north/south road and try to exit units off the south end of the map. The mix of Fallshirmjaeger and Lehr troops, badly out numbered but with superior armor technology, hold one hill and the woods to the south. The gameplan for the US is to clear the last hill before moving south. Time is not on the Allied side, however.

The US pushed their light and medium tanks forward, only to have them decimated by the Panther and JgPzIV. One after one they turn into heaps of twisted steel. Even so, their reckless attack covered the advance of the infantry which was able to move up and engage the outnumbered German forces. Eventually they whittled down teh resistance on the hill and started south.

The southern force watched their brethren sacrifice themselves for time. They sat in the woods and waited patiently. Soon the US army came into range and the forces clashed. The Germans were still outnumbered, but the US only had 75 minutes to clear the road. And while the US disposed of all but about 10 total steps of the enemy, they could not clear the road in time. The actions of the Lehr and the 14th Regiment, 5th Fallschirmjager Division were written with pride into their unit histories!

This was a fun, tense little battle. The time pressures are serious, and the US cannot let the German armor take on their counterparts as they will destroy it - a lesson learned the hard way.

German Minor Victory - Lost the hills, but kept the road and no US troops exited the south edge.

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