Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Not Enough Ivans
Author KirkH
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-11-23
Language English
Scenario EFDx109

Germans set up with 105's far north behind the small hill, the HMG on top of the southern hill, and the remaining infantry and tanks around the southern perimeter of the city. The Soviets entered the map with their artillery and mortars on the left (western) part of the map, their infantry in the center, and the cavalry and ATRs on the right. Having no cover they had to move quickly forward and after turn two the infantry had overwhelmed the German HMG on the hill. At that point though the Soviet advance ground to a halt. The German infantry in the city covered all the lines of advance and the Soviet artillery could be seen by the Germans in the city, making it easy pickings for the German on-board and off-board artillery. On turn four the Soviets used their ATR's to get the two advancing Panzer III's in a crossfire, but the ATR shots missed and the tanks retreated east of the city before any damage was done. The Soviet cavalry neaded north to try and get around te back of the Germans infantry, but was pinned down by artillery fire. On turn 7 the German reinforcements arrived and hampered the efforts of the cavalry even further. Turn seven also saw the Soviet infantry get a foothold in the city since the German infantry didn't have enough units to cover every possible approach. As the game went on the Soviets couldn't do any more though and it ended up an easy German victory. They simply didn't have enough firepower to overcome the German tactical and morale advantages. With the Soviets needing to control every hex of the large city I can't see them ever winning this one.

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