Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Tidying Up
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2012-11-02
Language English
Scenario ReWa007

I read over the scenario introduction and conclusion to get a good idea of what actually happened in this fight. Apparently the Germans won in some fashion. I can't see how. The Soviets have superiority in artillery (3-1), firepower, morale, leadership and raw strength. The Germans hold the town. That's it for pluses for the Germans.

My Soviets were able to take the entire town and destroy the final SS horseman by turn 14 of 24. I even had good rolls as the German player. Final losses were 23 German to 10 Soviet. Of some interest, however, was that the Soviet player would have had to take at least another 1-2 hours to reorganize the disrupted and demoralized troops left behind.

This was a relatively technical scenario where the Germans simply don't have the force to actively deny the Soviets entry into the town and once there, with morale, leader and good firepower, the Soviets can clean house.

I give this one a "3" but that might have been a little generous. Same day I will have to find out how to entry a 2.5...

1 Comment
(edited 2016-08-27 22:47)

From my play winning for the Luftwaffe constitutes surviving. Dig in the entire Luftwaffe force in the one town on board 10, and maneuver the SS cavalry all over board 9 to draw some of the guard units after them, reducing the size of the force attacking the town. Also pray for fog of war early and often. The cavalry doesn't have to engage the Guards, but I wouldn't rule out the opportunity for a successful charge if the Soviet player makes a mistake. In my solo play I had the Guards advance on both boards so that the line of communication wouldn't be broken. Solo works better if you imagine higher headquarters requirements when executing for both sides.

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