Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Perhaps "beautiful" means something else in French or German
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2012-10-29
Language English
Scenario FaoF001

Two roughly equivalent forces clash over two bridges and the two behind the bridges. The Germans have the edge with morale and they will be able to bring some solid column shifts with engineers and possibly tanks in urban fighting. The French, however, have superman. a 10-1-2 capitaine who completely alters the landscape of the battle.

The Germans send two small forces forward, one consisting of the two HMGs and the MTC to assault the closest bridge (the easternmost one) and the ENG and GD INF to cross the river. French Op fire is nasty, knocking off the reduced GD INF and one step of armored cars. The bridge then immediately falls to an assault on turn 3. This creates the impression that the town will fall quickly. Unfortunately for the Germans, a couple of step losses rob them of their morale superiority and constant need to step back and recover morale in the middle of assaults gives the French the opportunity to reinforce their positions.

On the final turn it appears as though the Germans may reach a minor victory until the French capitaine leads a wild counterattack, contesting a town hex and leaving the VPs at 16 French vs. 15 German. Indeed the Germans were only able to capture one town hex and one bridge, one town hex was contested and the rest of the VP sites were held by the French.

The French made great use of their leadership edge in this one by keeping the units in the assault hexes fresh. The Germans had less flexibility if they wanted to maintain their column shifts to have a better position in the assaults.

The final turn was a wild one with both sides throwing anything at the wall to see what would stick. I give it a "4" and don't go to five as this is a very small and technical fight. Entertaining but a bit fussy from being so small. A lot of fun once you get the hang of urban assault and the need to have adequate reserves.

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