Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-10-16
Language English
Scenario AGSU001

When I first moved to Richmond I was bemused by the number of people who were NASCAR (stock car racing) fans. Quite frankly I couldn't understand the attraction of a sport whose entire focus was summed up by one bumper sticker "Drive Fast, Turn Left". I still have some reservations about the "sport". On the other hand, it very succinctly describes the strategy used by the Germans in this scenario.

The Germans are tagged with the task of taking a town and controlling a road extending to the east of the town. The Soviets set up in a couple of blocking positions along the road and with a significant force in the town. The key to winning this one is the large number of SS troops in comparison to the Soviet force and the firepower of those units.

Rather than assaulting the town directly my German commander decided to send a two company pinning force towards the town with the vast majority of its force to the east to clean up the road and chase away the Soviets who were holding it. There was a hope that the pinning force could capture a town hex or two but no real expectation of it, the real hope was for the main force to "drive fast and turn left" across the two ridges and into the town.

The assault on the eastern part of the field actually goes better than planned as position after position held by the Soviets is surrounded and assaulted into oblivion. The first ridge, however, is littered with disrupted and demoralized SS troopers and leaders with morale bonuses desperately trying to get them to recover, as the last position outside of the town is significant and will require their strength to overcome it.

Meanwhile, near to the town the demonstration force has been able to take one town hex and is effectively doing its job. Should the main force break through they should be able to support the final attack on the town.

As the main SS force approaches the line on the ridge they develop a strategy to hit the Soviet left hard and move around that left, through the woods to the town with all but a pinning force. The Soviets see this and move some troops from the town to support the line. This reduction in force in the town permits the pinning force some more options and the Soviet line in total is forced to contract. As the area held by the Soviets contracts the main force breaks through to the pinning force cutting the Soviets in two and rendering further resistance useless. The SS is able to take both the road and the majority of the town and defeat the Soviets in detail.

The imbalance of forces in this one is significant but the situation is compelling. The title of the scenario comes from the fact that the town taken was quickly given back up as indefensible given the Soviet concentrations. The play was engaging but the victory was never in doubt. The Soviets need some additional troops or the ability to hide to make this one more competitive. As a solo study it is worthwhile. I give it a "3". It is not broken but it is not as good as it could be.

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