Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Quacked Up
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-10-13
Language English
Scenario PaLe003

Look, how could I pass that pun up? I'm only human.

The British have a strong force supported by a number of Cromwells attacking the Germans who are holed up in a series of hilltop towns. The Germans have a number of halftracks, some AT guns and one platoon of Ducks, the Jagdpanzer IVs of the scenario title. The goal of the British is ultimately to disrupt the German defenders, take some of the towns and move aggressively through the Germans to the south.

As usual, in a Panzer Lehr scenario there are hidden units. The Germans hide a number of their assets and the British, of course, come upon them by surprise. The losses from these encounters would ultimately be the difference in this scenario.

The British enter the field with their infantry force in a tight group to benefit from a coule leaders with "2" morale ratings and lose some steps to artillery and mortar fire but arrive at the lower town's northern edge pretty much intact. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the Cromwells accompanying them. Three Cromwell platoons are along for the ride to try to get some assault bonuses as they enter the town. The Ducks were waiting however, and savage the Cromwells. While this was predictable the losses were significant. As the Sappers were at the back edge of the infantry force it took an extra turn to get them into position, a turn used by the Ducks to withdraw.

Another armored force of Stuarts and Cromwells bypass the towns to the east and penetrate the rear areas of the Germans. These units were ignored by the Germans and the focus put on the infantry force and holding sufficient town hexes in the north to make the southern attack inconsequential.

As time went on, the British stumbled into each ambush with stunning losses and their infantry force, which had been substantially larger than the Germans became more even and the fight smaller. The end game was characterized by pinning assaults and infiltration on both sides and the Germans ended up with much the better situation.

Unless you are very honest with yourself and force yourself to walk into the ambushes this is not a good one to play solo. The hidden units are essential to the German defense and playing with complete knowledge of the position of the forces will lead to substantial British advantages.

While I pursued a British direct assault on the northern hill towns I can see the possibility for a larger and more strategic turning movement following the route taken by the Cromwells and Stuarts around the eastern edge of the field and attacking the German force from the rear. This is a short scenario, however and time will be a factor in such an approach.

I enjoyed the play and the ambushes and give it a "4". I have been able to develop a "willing suspension of disbelief" in hidden unit scenarios and therefore am not bothered by the fact that the units are right there in front of me. I have played enough ftf to know what process I would use to screen a location and probe and use that approach in solo games. Without that ability this would be a "2".

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