Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A Fitting End
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Austria
Play Date 2012-10-08
Language English
Scenario HbnS003

Well after several "political troops" battles I found one that has some semblance of competition. The SA are holding a pass in the mountains and the Austrian army, supported by some Heimwehr need to root them out and hold the road through the pass. The Austrians have higher morale and some pretty strong Alpine troops. The SA have the usual rabble with the usual poor leadership.

The SA set up in the higher hills with their heavy weapons dug in at the crossroads. Since the scenario is short the Austrians do not get fancy but run straight at the crossroads, veering at the last minute to gain the flank of the SA formation and roll it up from there. The Heimwehr takes off after some SA who were trying to hide out in the heavier woods on the eastern peak.

Surprisingly the Heimwehr do better than the Austrian elite force as the SA heavy weapons actually score some casualties and cause demoralizations and manage to draw out the action at the crossroads, forcing the Austrians to send some scratch forces to deal with the SA on the western peak. The Heimwehr meanwhile take out the SA infantry which was on the eastern peak and chase it away from the road.

The SA use the screen of the heavy woods on the western peak to block the Austrian LOS and manage to put two platoons on the road with two turns to go. A last second assault manages to clear the road but it was a very near run success.

This was the first time I used the political troops with any success. In the other scenarios these men typically would be scattered to the winds the second they came into contact with the regulars. As a result I give this one a "4" as it appears to balance the limited capability of the SA with a heavy time restriction on the Austrian regulars.

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