Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Mine to lose, yours to win
Author campsawyer (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Draw
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2012-10-05
Language English
Scenario FaoF006

I believe title became the theme for this scenario. Both Wayne Baumber and I both felt this way throughout the battle and it did come down to the end to decide the game. I felt quite confident as his troops were slowly dislodged from their defensive positions by the speedy German tanks, only to be dashed by a horrible assault. But I was able to come back and end it with a draw. Let me give the details...

The German tanks setup in the major town on board 31 with a plan to drive right through the French defense. There is too many towns for the French to defend and they will have to split them up, which will make them vulnerable. The only question was there deadly AT guns lurking in one of the towns or possible woods.

The Germans send a PzIIIF down the road to spot the AT and they quickly find it in the first small town on board 28. With this spotted the other tanks begin to advance toward the guns position. This looked easier to attack with the French H39's located in the major town on board 28 to the west. Several PzII join the PzIIIF up the road will the PzIVA and other PzIIIF advances to cutoff any support by the H39's. PzI's and SK222's advance around to the east to try to cutoff the other French DRG's holding the eastern town on board 28. The French react trying to hit the PzIVA, positioned to fire on it as well as the approaches to its town. They miss and the German FO calls in 105mm OBA with success of demoralizing the DRG and disrupting the AT. More PzII's advance to the town and open fire on the AT. This demoralize the gun, who at this point decide they have had enough and spike there guns. Meanwhile the demoralized DRG flees back to center town on board 28.

The French try to bring their company of H39s to the rescue, but soon realize that they will be in German cross fire if they stay near the evacuated town. As the same time PzI's threaten the major town to the west of board 28. This retreat allows the other German tanks to advance and threaten the major town in the center of board 28. German armored cars race past the town to try to capture hexes before the French can get there. They succeed to getting to farthest south town as well as the southern hexes of the center town. But the French still have troops in the area and they play musical chairs with the town hexes as well as trade DF shots with the German tanks in the town.

In the major town to the west the German PzI's play cat and mouse with the H39's. But there are too many town hexes and not enough French tanks. Eventually the Germans get the PzIIIF to cut the road between the center major town and the western major town and the French look to reopen it. But the PzI threaten the town and the French look for some easy points chasing them. This allows the PzIVA to advance on a lone H39 guarding the northern part of the western town. The PzIVa scores two kills on the H39 and the Germans close on the northern side. But a rogue French DRG, that was sent to destroy the German FO, now comes to threaten the town hexes. More cat and mouse, this time the French the mice and the Germans the cat.

Meanwhile in the center town the PzII and PzIIIF look to wipe out the French HMG and DRG, but the French have other plans. The French mount an assault on the southern part of the center town and score a step loss on a PzI. The German armored cars and the reduced PzI need to get out of town to recover. They successfully extract themselves before reposition H39's advance on the assault hex.

The H39's look to close on the lighter German tanks and score some quick kills, but the PzII's have a different idea. Mounting a rare AFV v. AFV assault a company of PzIII take on two platoons of H39. With a good chance for a kill, they fail and only disrupt one H39. In the return assault the H39's score a step loss and demoralize the other German tanks. Disaster for the Germans, the French mount and infantry-tank assault that kills three more PzII steps. This swings the battle from a German victory to a French victory, but there is more turns and the Germans now need to fight for a comeback.

The other H39's begin to come toward the center town to make there stand, while the Germans look to consolidate lighter tanks against the infantry and the PzIV and PzIII against the French tanks. More positioning gets German and French tanks in position, but the PzIVA gets the drop on an advancing H39 and scores a step loss, bringing the game back to a draw. After a few more repositioning and DF shots, the game comes to a close when both sides realize they cannot kill any more steps.

As stated an enjoyable game and a usual FtF where you never know until the end. Even after the game, you second guess your moves and continue to be amazed by some of the better scenarios.

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