Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-10-03
Language English
Scenario IrWo001

This is a big scenario, with lots of units, and lots of boards and lots of objectives but where the difference lies between the Germans and the Lithuanians is that the Germans have lots of good leaders and all the big guns.

I really enjoyed the river crossing scenarios in First Axis because the Soviets often had trouble getting their engineers in place, but when there is a bridge and the attacker has a ton of artillery and the defender cannot blow the bridge the result is usually pretty safe to say that the attacker will cross the river.

The Lithuanians set up to defend both bridges and to keep an engineer assisted crossing under surveillance to permit their 75s to hit the engineers. Turns out that the engineers weren't necessary. The German OBA and mortars hit the eastern bridge hard enough to rout the defenders and permit a crossing by turn 3, basically on the march. The western bridge held much longer but the attacking force was much smaller, finally falling on turn 10. The Geman force screened Lithuanian troops in the woods trying to recover their morale and moved towards the closest town and began investing it. By turn 17, both that town and the furthest town to the west were falling to strong German assaults and the Lithuanian forces were in retreat to the two towns in the northeast corner of the board.

At that point the Lithuanians conceded a German major victory. The Germans had not lost a single tank (the AT guns were hammered by the OBA, etc and never got a shot off). All of the Lithuanian artillery had been eliminated and losses in total were 25 Lithuanian losses against 9 German losses.

Certainly a little less luck with the artillery rolls and a more reasonable leader mix (nearly every German leader had morale modifiers and 3 had +2s, while there were only two Lithuanian leaders with morale modifiers at all) would have led to a closer result, at the point where I called it the Germans led 52 to 29 and were pulling away quickly. Still it was a lot of fun to play and the FOW rolls are very important in this large scenario. The key, however was always the guns. I give it a "4".

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