Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Not So Strongpoint
Author rerathbun
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-09-26
Language English
Scenario KurS011

The objectives for this scenario are simple for both sides. The Germans have to take the town, the Soviets have to hold it.

The Soviets set up in the town (of course). They do have their artillery dug-in on the hill west of town, hoping to disrupt the German infantry and/or pick off the German armor as it approaches.

The SS infantry sets up on line south of the town. They hold back their (rather fragile) armor to protect it until the infantry can tie up the Soviet anti-tank guns and armor.

The Germans move forward as quickly as they can, using the rapidly diminishing cover of darkness. The Soviet artillery disrupts a couple of platoons during the approach, but causes no casualties. The German off-board artillery quickly wipes out the Soviet guns once they are spotted (On the second salvo, the Germans rolled a '2' on the 30 column).

The Soviets inflict some casualties as the Germans close in (two step losses and some disruptions/demoralizations due to Opportunity Fire), but it's not enough. The remainder of the battle comes down to bitter house-to-house fighting as the Germans try to clear the town.

With the Soviet tanks in the town and their anti-tank guns gone, the SS armor is able to follow their infantry into the town, using the town itself for cover. When the Soviet tanks use Opportunity Fire to try and prevent the SS infantry from assaulting, the German armor moves adjacent. On the following turn, the higher German initiative gives them the first shot and they take out half of the German tanks, leaving the rest demoralized. An infantry assault quickly mops the remnants.

Casualties mount quickly as the assaults proceed, but the Germans have the numbers and the firepower to prevail. They finish clearing the town with half an hour to spare for a German victory.

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