Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Mob Rule
Author Matt W (Hyderabad)
Method Face to Face
Victor Gurkha, India
Participants Hugmenot (AAR)
Play Date 2012-09-22
Language English
Scenario InUn001

Played ftf with Hugmenot.

Something like 100,000,000 crazed fanatics attack a police station in a town. They gain complete control of the town with the exception of the police station itself where the police calmly hold off the fanatics but the police captain, losing his nerve runs away after calling the army to come save them.

The army arrives and chases away the fanatics after a surprising amount of difficulty due to the fanatics surviving morale checks. In all of this the army and police avoid any losses but the fanatics suffer severe losses as their supporters begin drifting away and looking to all intents and purposes as though they are innocent bystanders.

But enough about Pittsburgh and the last time the Steelers won the Super Bowl. This is about a Panzer Grenadier scenario where about 100,000,000 Razakars attack an Indian police station...

It really did go just about as described. The Razakars were unable to effectively dislodge the Indian Police and were rousted late in the game by the Indian Army. While they have lots of steps the Razakars with only a 2-1 DF on their full strength side, were unable to cause any losses or indeed to cause much disorder, amongst the Indians. What difficulties the Indians incurred were due to the Razakars ability to maintain their morale in assault hexes thus causing delays to the Indians throughout the scenario.

It was a perfectly fun scenario given the asymmetric situation. I felt that my Hyderabadi nutcases were almost able to pull it out, but I had exceptional luck with my rolls on morale checks so this tilts towards the Indians. I give it a "3".

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