Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
By Their Fingernails
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2012-09-19
Language English
Scenario AirR012

An outnumbered battalion holding a bridge in swampy terrain must fight off a battalion of Germans who are bound and determined to take it from them. This is a simple but highly entertaining scenario and one which is very evocative of all those war movies you may have seen.

In my play the US gets off some OBA shots at the advancing Germans as they are still in open terrain, before they enter the swamps. Having played a similar scenario in one of the other Airbornes I expected the Germans to take losses and become disrupted and demoralized as they hit the American picket line. Instead they advanced, nearly undisturbed and were able to get into assaults with the Americans with little trouble. At this point I was sure of a German win as the American do not have the strength to stand toe to toe with the Germans. The position directly in front of the bridge fell quickly and I expected a fast end to the scenario when the US OBA rolled a "2" and hammered the potential assaulters.

The Germans were able to get into an assault with the bridge however by turn 9 and I figured that would be enough time to eliminate the HMG and take the bridge forcing the Americans to piece together a counterattack with scattered troops. The HMG, however, was able to hang on and pass several morale checks permitting some demoralized PARA the chance to recover and rejoin the fight.

At the end of the scenario, the Germans rolled a "1" twice in a row on the 24 column of the Assault table and the bridge remained contested. It was the only hex on the board with any Americans whatsoever as they had lost 8 steps to the German loss of 5.

This was an enjoyable ride. The Airborne scenarios (from whichever of the 3 versions) are typically smaller with very definied objectives. Some tend to be long in turn length but not in play. While we tend as players to rush beyond these to the scenarios with armor, etc. These remain very playable and reasonable scenarios. I give this one a "4" due to the changes in fortune.

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