Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Jimmy Buffett
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Finland
Play Date 2012-09-15
Language English
Scenario AFro004

When I sit down to write up an AAR I pull out the log sheet that I use and try to visualize the situation again and find the major themes of the play. This one led to a sad pun.

You see a large group of Soviets are charged with crossing a frozen lake in front of a smaller group of Finns holding the shoreline. It is nightime so any opportunity fire will be very effective if the Soviets are caught on the lake itself (zero cover). The Finns set up in two groups on the left and right with the intention of funnelling the Soviets into the center of the map.

As the Soviets seek to avoid DF attacks they comply with the Finns strategy pushing directly towards the town. At that point there were "Finns to the left, Finns to the right" and those of you who know who Jimmy Buffett is and his song "Fins" will understand the title of this AAR. It will also give you a quick glimpse into my character during my 30s and early 40s. I should note that growing children provide a brake to such behavior...

In any event the Soviets push up the road, the Finns surround them, shooting and assaulting with abandon and deliver the type of slaughter expected in a Winter War scenario. To give the Soviets some respect, they had some units actually reach the town but they were ejected prior to the close of the action.

This is exactly the type of scenario that Arctic Front exists to provide. A horde of Soviets attacking a smaller group of high morale Finns in nastry weather on a frozen lake. How can you go wrong? I give it a "4" and walk away humming that darn song...

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