Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Identity Theft
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-09-06
Language English
Scenario PaGr031

A platoon of German special forces (the Brandenburgers of the title) dress up in Soviet uniforms and grab a couple captured Soviet trucks in order to run through the defenses around a bridge and capture the bridge before the Soviets have a chance to blow it up. The Soviets set up in a way to maximize their chances of finding the Germans before they get to the bridge (roll a six when they enter your hex and the Soviets figure out the deception). After five straight low rolls the Germans make it to the bridge, their supporting forces waiting patiently for the sign to begin moving.

The special forces throw off their deception and assault the Soviets at the bridge and tie them up, keeping them from blowing the bridge. Meanwhile the supporting forces race forward, disregarding the AT guns which can make mincemenat of many of the softly armored vehicles. Speed is of the essence as the objective is not only to take the bridge but also its approaches which are heavily defended.

Luckily for the Germans the approaches are heavily defended by faint hearted troops (morale 7/5) which run quite easily. As the armored vehicles shake loose of the defenders and approach the bridge the Brandenburgers finally dispatch the Soviet defenders entirely and capture the Soviet captain decapitating the force and leading to an easy river crossing on the next to final turn.

The play of this one was fun but the first activation of the Brandenburgers is the critical one. If they are found out prior to getting into the bridge hex this could be a tough one for the Germans to win. Normally if I enjoy the play this much I would give this a 4 but due to the heavy weight of that first activation on the final result I am holding myself back and only giving it a "3".

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