Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Bloodless (almost)
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-09-04
Language English
Scenario PaGr006

In this scenario a company of the GD Regiment must approach and enter the large town on Board 2. The second they enter the town in any way the scenario is over as the Germans have won. The Soviets can nip at their heels but that's really all that is left. Of course, the Germans can choose to eliminate Soviet steps as an alternative but the goal of the action was to scout out the town so the historical approach is to get into the town and verify that it is occupied.

The Soviets start out with insufficient force but each turn a die is rolled to see if they receive reinforcements (on a 1 or 2 they get an additional full strength INF in the town (no doubt waking up from a snooze). In my play they got two additional INF platoons in the first 6 turns.

The Soviets moved their HMG and one ING onto the road and dug in to hit the Germans with Opportunity Fire. The Germans dropped off their HMG and sent their ING on a loop to the south threatening to enter the town. With a range of only 2 hexes, the defending Soviet INF didn't have the range to keep the Germans far enough away from the town nor did they ultimately have sufficient force to block the Germans entry (and with only two leaders they simply couldn't maneuver well enough anyhow). The Germans entered the town on the 7th turn and the Soviets conceded.

A very straightforward movement oriented scenario. This is a good one to teach fundamentals of movement and leader based activation. The differences between the two forces could not be more stark and the benefit of leaders and chain activation make this one an excellent early scenario to play. I would be surprised if the Soviets won many and if they do win they are having excellent luck on the reinforcement rolls. I give it a "3" for the explanatory value.

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