Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Striking Stonne
Author campsawyer (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2012-09-03
Language English
Scenario FaoF016

In continuing our tour of the French scenarios, Wayne and I looked at the attack on Stonne by the Grossdeutchland Division during the early stages of attack on France. On paper this looked challenging for both sides. Germans needing to take and hold the town of Stonne and the hieghts that command the area, while the French trying to deny them with pulled adhoc forces of the 3rd Motorized Division and some monstrous B1bis tanks. Both sides have weaknesses, the French lower morale, lack of OBA support and piecemeal forces. For the Germans they are attacking the high ground, held by the French, they also lack armor support to deal with the French tanks. But one of the biggest advantages for the Germans is the early morning attack.

In the night the Germans lineup just out of sight of the French defenders. In a semi-circle from board 31 903 to 704 and over to 402, 5 companies of GD troops ready for a dash to the town of Stonne. They are to race to the town overwhelm the defenders and push them off the hill before the French can react. Also, they will need to keep the casualty rate down as the French tanks will be rolling in later.

The Germans begin with the initiative and race though the last bits of night toward the town. The commanding Major moves up just out of range to direct the units as the first infantry units start taking fire from the French garrison. Five platoons make it to the edge of town, but a six is shot-up and destroyed by French HMG fire. The Germans call in OBA fire on the town that kills one step of French infantry. But there reinforcing units behind the town advance up to bolster the defense. But the Germans still pile in for the assault.

The German LT masses a company of GD troops into the small village just as the reinforcing HMGs are setting up. Several stick grenades and rifle fire take down he HMG teams. The remaining infantry and leader are demoralized. The other Stonne hex is also assaulted in the next turn reducing the HMG and eventually wiping out the remnants as they try to pull themselves together. An 25mm AT crew is also eliminated in the fight, giving the Germans the town on a quick assault.

At this point, the French defense on Stonne crumbles as German OBA pounds the remaining troops as they pull back to regroup and await the tanks. The GD troops begin to climb over the hill and setup defensive positions in the south side. Calling up the AT's and digin in the troops the Germans look to hold on at this point.

But they don't wait long, four platoons of H39's arrive and are brought up by the French. The GD troops rapidly finish their foxholes on the hill as the PZII and IV's maneuver for the best shot. The French tank move the the west of Stonne to attack the woods on the hill. A leading GD Captain takes charge of the hill and orders troops forward to hold the woods line from the advancing tanks. This works are the GD troops are able to hit the French tanks with small arms fire and grenade bundles to disrupt and demoralize the advancing tanks. For well over and hour the GD troops slow the French tanks while German OBA keeps the French infantry well back from the line and forcing them to recover their morale status. Eventually the French tanks pull back from their attack once the other French tanks arrive, the B1bis.

With these monsters lumbering down the road the Germans reposition AT guns and the tanks to try to deal with them the best they can. But to the west French armored cars and a H39 platoon, pulled from the action in the east, look to probe the German defense. The GD Captain commanding this side of the line decides to take matter into his own hands and attack the tanks before they get close or team up with the monsters. He takes a platoon and half of troops and assaults them. Scoring hits with both grenades and their Panzerbusche, the knock out one step of H39 and one step of armored cars. French troops try to race over to support the tanks plunging into the assault. The wily GD Captain knows that being caught with B1bis in the open will be certain death opts to get out of the melee before they get there. They make it out to fight again as the French INF and demoralized H39 attempt to stop them.

The B1bis make it to the west side battle. With and armor of 4 and a combined DF of 33, they will be hard to stop and it will be up to the infantry again to stop the tanks. The French drive them right into the fight, looking to storm the hill with them leading the way. But one key component is missing, supporting infantry. Stripped away from the other fighting the infantry cannot support and the GD Captain takes advantage. Plunging into the company of B1bis with grenades and small arms they pummel the B1's with fire, knocking out five of them. The Germans take their lumps but luck out with disruptions and demoralizations.

To the west one more daring move by the French to try to take the woods. With the last of H39's tied up in an assault the French eye a lone AT on the knoll in the woods. German troops to cover it, but the French also try to race a reduced P178 around to take the hill. Fire from the PzIVA removes the P178 threat and a company of GD troops advance to cover the ground that the French were pushing for. In the end the hill stayed in German hands to with the game.

I rated this game lower as both Wanye and I though that the French have much less of a chance once the hill is taken. The Germans can digin and hold against the French attack. the French being lower in morale will have tough time in getting any assaults going particularly if the Germans mount small spoiling attacks. German OBA is enough to be overwhelming to any French force that tries to counterattack and will leave the tanks exposed. Wayne had commented about coordinating the H39s with the B1bis, which may have helped but German force is very dominating if they have the heights. We discuss some options for the VC's as we felt that this was what was out of balance, such as adding hexes to control once the town was taken or something else to keep the Germans moving. In the end nothing conclusive, but was surprised the this was an even battle with wins and losses on PG-HQ.

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