Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A Rough Approach
Author Poor Yorek
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-08-31
Language English
Scenario AfKo035

Set-up is fairly prescribed: Germans place INF+HMGs in the two objective hexes and place the remainder of the INF around the perimeter and the 50mm AT and 81mm mortars in the "interior."

CW plans are to swing INF around the "dug-in" side of the German line and the slower moving HMGs though an infiltration through the minefields between one objective hex and the end of the German line. CW forces are depending on Captain Courageous (10-1-2).

CW OBA (three turns only) was ineffective.

Turn 1-2 the CW lose an ENG step to OF in the minefield, but make the morale check. As this is a 1-value minefield, other units can now "flow" through the hex. Perhaps being a bit frisky, CW forces also try to infiltrate without the ENG on the other side of 0407, but lost a step on turn 2. Although the CW push through a strong force, German OBA and mortars eventually DEM the ENG(R) pushing him off the minefield hex and OF kills another leader. CW try to push more leaders and an INF over the 1-value minefield only to have two consecutive 6's rolled! A bloody morning for the officer ranks.

The sweep around the SE end of the German line gets bogged down in assaults with neither side able to get much of an advantage. Eventually, Captain Courageous + 3xHMG gets into assault in 0407 with Germ 10-1-1 + HMG + INF (Entr). This does bring on the CW armored reinforcements. The "first fire" in defense allows the Germans to wittle down CW attack; then recover from the subsequent assault.

By turn 8 (of 11), CW are still in assault in 0407 with no net damage to the Germans holding it; the other post, 0608 is unmolested. The Matilda is stopped on a minefield (the ENG(R) was killed by the dreaded '2' on the 7-col DF). The A13's were in the two assaults in the SE section. As the Germans had inflicted 11 step losses (their VC) and it being extemely unlikely that 0407 could be reduced (and 0608 approached and taken), I "called" the game here.

I enjoyed the action in this one so 4/5 for a good solid scenario with some interesting features (night attack; hill terrain; mines).

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