Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Complacent, Stupid, or Both?
Author Poor Yorek
Method Solo
Victor Italy
Play Date 2012-08-31
Language English
Scenario AfKo011

Not quite sure what happened here.

Firstly, the Australians flipped terribly for leaders - none with a morale or combat bonus. I placed the 2-lbr + HMG in the farthest north entrenchment; 2xINF in the other two.

First silliness: the Italians moved up to within three hexes of the SE entrenchment (range of six from the 2-lbr). So the 2-lbr fires off a '12' roll (at -2 for range & move in prev. segment) but the reduced step makes the M2!).

Then, of course, the Italian tank leader realizes that there is no difference between firing DF from four hexes or three, but the former places him out of range of the Australian AT fire. Doh.

So the ITs try 1-col DF shots at the entrenched Aussies (now from a range of four) hoping for a miracle: in fact, they do force two M checks, but the Australians hold morale (even with the pitiful leaders).

Now here is where I must have been stupid/complacent. Do the other Australian INF units try to close and/or assault the IT tanks? If one can eliminated them by game end ... but my guys just sat there drinking a few Fosters.

So on game end, in come the Italians ... the Australian 2-lbr tries a shot ... misses ... OF fire can't get an X result vs. the armor (hoping to induce a morale failure) and, well, one IT step lost, but units are adjacent.

::scratches head::

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