Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Running into a brick wall
Author J6A
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2012-08-28
Language English
Scenario KurS010

This is another quick, 1 map scenario. The Germans have a light recon force backed by a couple of Tiger tanks trying to wrest control of a town defended by a Soviet force with tank support, artillery and ATGs. There is also a small minefield, which in retrospect, I think I placed poorly. The Germans only have 10 turns to dislodge the Soviets. Points are given for eliminating units of the other side, and for control of town hexes.

The Soviets set up with a lot of infantry in the town along with the AT Gun and 76.2mm artillery. The mortars are in a field behind the town (this was a mistake, as it turns out). The tanks, an AT Rifle unit and some infantry are set up in the fields approaching the town. The Germans bring their motorcycle troops along the north edge of the map, while the bulk of their infantry moves through a patch of woods for cover. A smaller infantry force moves through the center.

In the early going, the motorcycles attempt to swing around the northern field and only has 1 unit disrupted, while for the Russians, a T-34b takes out a step of SPW 251/9s.

On the 2nd turn, the SPW 251/9 returns the favor, taking out a step of the T-34bs. Undeterred, the T-34b wipes out a PzII and a PzIIIG by rolling a 10 and 11, respectively. As the Tiger approaches the Russian T-34c, it bounces shots of the German tank's thick armor. The German Motorcycles continue their flanking move, causing the Soviets to shift some troops around in the town.

I made a big mistake firing at the Tiger with the T-34c, as this left it in a position to be assaulted by German infantry and accompanying Kubelwagens, who destroy it completely. In addition, the SPW 251/9 wipes out a unit of T-70s before the T-34bs take them out. One of the SPW 250s is eliminated by AT fire from the town. At the end of 3 turns, the Germans have lost 11 steps (tanks counting double) and the Soviets 10. For the next several turns, the Germans work on encircling the town. The mortar in the fields is hunted down by motorcycle troops. In retrospect, I should have put this unit in the town for more protection, or at least closer to the town. This was essentially a free victory point for the Germans. The remaining Soviet troops in the fields pull back towards the town, except for the AT Rifle unit, which was reduced and demoralized and cowered in the wheat stalks.

The Germans don't start their assault until turn 9, which was probably a turn late. I was a bit cautious, hoping to demoralize or disrupt some defenders before coming into town. The Tiger led assault is a mess, with most of the units on both sides being demoralized or disrupted. The Germans fare better on the south end of town, while on the north side the motorcycle troops are unable to overrun the 76.2mm batter thanks to the HMGs surrounding it. Both sides lose a step, so casualties are at 12 apiece.

Alas, on turn 12, while they do demoralize several Soviet units and cause a couple of them to flee, the Germans are unable to wrest sole control of any town hexes from the Russians. Exhausted and short on ammo, they retire back to the fields for the evening. The Germans score 12 points on casualties, while the Soviets score 12 for casualties and 2 for controlling a town hex (the other 3 were contested). The +2 margin for the Russians makes this one a draw.

This was a fun, quick scenario. I made some mistakes with the Russians, poor placement of the mortar, not pulling back the T-34c and placing the minefield where it had a minimal impact. On the other hand, the lucky die rolls to wipe out 2 full strength tank units in a turn really helped. For the Germans, I probably should have started assaulting the turn a town earlier. With overall superior troops, they probably could have controlled 1 or 2 town hexes at the end.

A very enjoyable scenario!

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