Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Lesson Learned Too Slowly
Author rerathbun
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2012-08-26
Language English
Scenario KurS025

A mixed force of Germans is trying to push past a Soviet blocking force. Both sides have infantry with armor support, but neither has transports or on-board artillery. Both sides set up in two groups, attempting to cover the width of the field.

The Soviet infantry rides their tanks up to the southern fields and digs in. Meanwhile, the Germans move forward, using the northern fields for cover. The German armor moves out into the open to draw fire from the Soviet tanks.

The Soviet tank fire is ineffective at first, while the Germans take out three of the Soviet tank platoons. Then the Soviets find the range and reduce two platoons of StuGs.

Meanwhile, the German infantry moves too cautiously at first, staying in the cover of the fields despite being out of range of the Soviet fire. They left themselves very little time to move past the Soviet defense.

Once the Germans reduce the tank force on the Germans right, both German forces make a break for that side. Soviet Opportunity Fire is ineffective, and part of the German infantry assaults the Soviet infantry to pin them while the rest of the Germans make a run to get past them.

In the end, the Germans exit only four steps of infantry (giving the Soviets a net 6 victory points). Step losses even out the score for a draw. The Germans missed a minor victory by rolling three consecutive 1's on the 30 column of the Assault Table.

The two lessons I learned from this scenario are (1) Move more quickly when time is limited and (2) roll the dice better (for both sides).

This is a very good small scenario -- German quality versus Soviet quantity with both infantry and armor. It plays quickly and was fun.

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