Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Paratroopers Prevail?
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2012-08-25
Language English
Scenario WiSo021

This scenario was played solo in one longish session. I chose this scenario because Vince and Alan, my two prime FtF opponents have played it and I could also use my newly purchased winter wonderland boards. The game situation has the German forces entering from the east trying to cross two boards for exit VPs or take towns hexes for VPs, enemy step losses also gains VPs, facing them are highly motivated Para's from the 82nd division. This poses two issues for both the attackers and the defenders, as the German player do you try and take town hexes or sweep around them and head for the edge of the board, as the US player do you hold the main town which is just 6 hexes from the enemy start line or do you spread out and try and block the enemy exit points. In this game the German went for a mixed strategy of using the HMG's and ENG with GREN support to try and take the main town with the Armour and Gren platoons moving North and South of the town and exiting the board to the west. The US para commander decided to hold the town with the vast majority of his force and hope that reinforcements and artillery could slow the German rush to exit to the west. Like Vince and Alan's game the only +2 morale leader was the US Col who held centre spot in the town. In effect both plans worked, the German armour with its accompanying GREN companies bypassed the town and brushed away the few US units sent to block them and exited the boards fairly easily though with some losses due to Artillery fire however the attack on the town stalled quickly with heavy losses. The US forces held the town easily but could not prevent the exiting of all the German armour, the reinforcing single platoon of US TD wisely decided not to engage the Panther's but scuttled into the safety of the town where its MGs helped in turning back the final German assault on the town. As I was playing solo I did not keep track of VPs until game end so I was not sure of what the final result would be, on counting up I found the US had 36 VP's to the German 34 VP's so the result was a draw. This is an excellent scenario apart from the main battle for the town their were small skirmishes all over the map as the small US forces tried to stop the exiting German units. The choices at the start of the battle are very important for both sides and the wrong choice could easily see a overwhelming victory for ever player. Well worth a 4 rating.

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