Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Field of DEMs
Author Matt W (Soviet Union)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants Hugmenot
Play Date 2012-08-11
Language English
Scenario EFDx028

Finding ourselves with some extra time at the end of our most recent adventure into South America, Daniel and I played this scenario from Eastern Front. The key selection criterion was that it play quickly as we only had a couple of hours. This one fit the bill. I ended up playing the Soviets and Daniel played the GD regiment. He is currently playing through Panzer Lion so it seems as though the choice was appropriate.

I set up a strong infantry line covered with some AT guns through the fields and to the road. As the Germans advanced I dug in my men and got off a lucky shot, knocking out some halftracks. As the German advance resolved into two attacks at either end of my line I was able to destroy three more steps. As my line buckled and the survivors fled to either the town or the center of the fields I was able to use my artillery to kill a fifth step. One more and I would reach the Soviet minor victory condition. It came from a long distance AT shot against advancing transported German artillery. One positive result of the line, in addition to causing losses was that it tied up the Germans for an extensive period of time given that their objective was the town itself.

Halfway through the scenario, with substantial forces still fighting along the field line the Germans began to disengage to move towards the town. My Soviets, still dealing with the effects of facing an elite unit were trying to recover their morale in the fields. I was able to send a couple of platoons back to the town to assist the defense but four platoons remained in the fields for the remainder of the game trying desperately to be in any morale state other than demoralized. At turn 17 (of 20) their recovery became academic as they no longer had the ability to participate in the fight for the town.

The Germans initially assaulted the northeastern corner of the town and gained a lodgement as the Soviets failed over and over to recover morale. The troops retreating from the field line were able to assist greatly in the defense but the poor morale (7/5) caused recovery failures over and over which ultimately led to the last Soviets being evicted from the town by the Germans. With ample firepower, engineers, AFVs, morale and leaders the Germans were often able to assault at the 30 column, even despite the 2 column drop for town assault, while my Soviets were rarely able to muster a 13 column. While the Germans lost another step or two it was clear that the couldn't reach a major victory and that, once removed from the town the Soviets did not have the strength to get back in.

So, despite reaching a minor victory, the German major victory trumped the Soviet "win" and thus the Germans win the scenario.

This was a fun, short scenario. I believe that it is tipped against the Soviets somewhat but the short time does force the German to expose themselves to losses. Once the town is reached however, the game is up as the Germans have too many advantages to avoid taking the town in short order. I give it a "4".

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