Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2012-07-29
Language English
Scenario WeWa003

Having read the previous AARs I set the Germans up with some small delaying units to the west with the bulk of the defense in the northeast of the board. The Americans deployed the majority of their initial force to the west in order to take advantage of the weaker part of the line.

The Germans arriving on Turn 1, however, turned the tables on the Americans, coming heavily onto the western portion of the board. This virtually stopped the Americans for four hours on this side of the battle as they were unable to move forward whatsoever. At the halfway point the Germans were still comfortably ahead in the points 39-30 and the Americans were stymied.

The entire American reinforcement came through the woods on the eastern board to see if they could assault the German line on the hill in front of the larger town. The two sides with tremendous firepower stood toe to toe and the Germans on the hill were eventually worn down and removed from the hill by turn 22 (of 24) clearing the way for an assault towards the town.

The Germans had been moving troops from their right to their left to beef up the town defense pending a late American assault. By weakening their right however they gave the Americans a chance to fight onto the hill in the northwest, out of sight of the AT guns and STuGs which the Germans had set up dug in in the fields. The Germans assaulted the Shermans and got a Panzerfaust shot off which took out two steps of Shermans on turn 22, deflating the Americans and giving the Germans a 50-40 lead at that point.

The Americans, however suicidally pressed forward taking heavy losses but causing some as well. The end of the game saw two town hexes with Americans inside, however one was entirely DEM so the final score was Germans 50, Americans 47. I must say that the American dice were tremendous and the Germans dice were only average. I would expect the Germans, if they choose to defend that northeast corner, will almost always win or draw.

The play, however, is exciting and I give it a "4".

2012-07-30 05:28

I'm currently playing through Westwall as well. The 3 I have remaining (being at the mercy of head-to-head dates) almost all look like cert US wins on paper, though these things often do not work out that way. If Daniel has got you Skype capable, you should consider Lohn Town or Making Hay against me ?

There's an offer to you !

2012-07-30 09:49


I haven't made much headway with Skype at this point. I ended up in the hospital two weeks ago with a blood clot in my leg so I am kind of taking it slow right now. I know I have to learn how to do Skyping but havent' gone through the technical training and the appropriate setup for the camera yet. The kids will help, of course.


2012-07-30 09:54


How are you holding up with the extra hours, etc. with the Olympics?

2012-07-30 10:13


Blood clot first !

Yeah, get that sorted, and hopefully it is !

I'm ok with the hours in that I am putting up with it. But I only saw the family for 90 minutes between Mon-Fri last week...... ridiculous.. Never mind.

And on skype, you don't need a camera. Voice is just fine. Only Tony Langston uses a camera at present. The rest of us just go by voice. Anyway, just get yourself well first ;-)

2012-07-30 15:57

Thanks Vince, looks like it is coming along well. The clot is dissolving appropriately and my leg is starting to look a little more like a leg and less like a tree trunk!

Good luck getting through the rest of the Olympics. When they were in Atlanta I was offered a job starting that summer. I declined because the housing cost doubled. The company said I was nuts and then called back to say that I was right and they couldn't get anyone for the job - in the meantime I got another job and that was that...

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