Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
It's supposed to be mobile warfare, dummy!
Author gulatum (Soviet Union)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants davidthedad (AAR)
Play Date 2012-07-24
Language English
Scenario EFDx055

In this scenario, the only disadvantage the Russians don't face is lower morale for their reduced units. Otherwise, they are simply outclassed by the Germans in every aspect of this scenario. That being said...

About half the Russians seized the field in the middle of the southern half of the board, while the rest held tight to defensive positions on the hill and in the field to the northwest. BIG MISTAKE. I should have kept my guns limbered and used them to deter armored probes; instead they were sitting ducks (even dug in) against the artillery and air strikes. The Russians did manage to cause the Germans at least momentary annoyance, using the BT-7's to dart out and eliminate some SPW251s early in the game. The field gambit, however, just crumbled under German pressure. No infantry survived that cauldron, but three tank platoons managed to limp back to the final defensive line.

Going into this scenario, I had been hoping to watch and learn from my opponent how to better handle infantry/armor coordination on the attack. What I got out of it, however, was that a dug-in gun is a dead gun. Static defenses more often than not are untenable positions.

I think the NKVD guys are here to take me to see Comrade Stalin...

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