Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Not Quite Enough
Author PaperTiger
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2012-07-19
Language English
Scenario EFDx048

The small but intrepid Romanian force had their work cut out for them. At 1000 they moved from the northwestern town to eliminate the Soviets defending the town to their southeast. They were then to march on the river, swing upstream and take on the bridge with all its defences. Meanwhile, the Soviets sat tight and waited, ready to call down their superior OBA.

Romanian armor went directly for the town. INF and supporting units in trucks made for the woods to its west, from where they'd make the push toward the enemy. Two INF platoons were demoralized by SOBA and flee toward the field north of the road. Romanian OBA makes the Soviet artillery spotter duck at a crucial time and the remaining Romanian INF make the woods in good order.

The Soviets in town are soon encircled by Romanian armor. The Romanian assault soon eliminates the opposition in town, but not before SOBA eliminates and entire Romanian HMG platoon. Two Soviet INF platoons manage to break through the encirclement and escape to the woods north of the road, where they join with two additional platoons sent to extend the Soviet right.

Romanian armor regroups and head to the river to soften up the waiting defences. The Soviet AT guns open up but proved amazingly ineffective, with one soon being eliminated. The Romanian tanks, working on the west bank, systematically chased away the Soviet defenders on the east bank.

It was a different story for the Romanian INF support, which was soon decimated by SOBA. The surviving units retreated back to town to rally.

The end of the action saw Romanian armor assaulting the bridge, with armor and INF taking care of the Soviets in the northern woods. In the end, there just wasn't enough Romanians in place to finish the job. This action goes to the Soviets.

I rated this scenario only a 2. I don't know if it was my solution to the situation, but I found this action oddly lackluster. Towards the end, I was just glad that it was wrapping up. Maybe it's a little too long for the small numbers involved, but I can't really put my finger on it.

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