Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
An Exciting Battle - (But sort out two errata beforehand)
Author vince hughes (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Soviet Union
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2012-07-14
Language English
Scenario SiFo022

This scenario was played over 2 x ftf sessions with Wayne Baumber and was chosen via our usual random selection procedure. When I looked at the game, I knew as the German that it would be one to enjoy historically rather than worrying about winning. However, as it turned out, despite the lack of forces to be able to move freely for 15 turns of a 30 turn battle, it turned out as a surprisingly close affair !

I would recommend before play that 2 pieces of errata are sorted in relation to the rules used. 1.What movement costs are you going to charge units to move through rail hexes ? One MP or the terrain in the hex. The SSR's do not say. 2.What is railroad ? SSR's state the east-west road is railway. Unlike Fronte Russo, it does not say that the town hexes are rail also. Therefore, this leaves just the 'road' hexes to move on. I took it as this, Wayne took it that the town could be used. Maybe there is no errata here, but it would have been nice if SSR's were specific here and on the MP cost too.


An interesting special rule is that German units can not move or fire unless an enemy unit moves adjacent or a unit is fired on, then any units within 2 hexes are released to move etc. However, at the start of each initiative when Russkies are first spotted, an 'Achtung' roll can be made using 2 x dice. If 11+ is rolled, all German units can move and fire normally. I didn't get it till turn 16 !


Difficult this. I tried to set-up so the Soviets will HAVE to come in sight soonest ossible and therefore give the Germans the chance to roll 'achtung 11+' as early as can be. The Germans will also need to consider either a flimsy linear defence but with the advantage of the enemy always 'alarming' some units wherever they move OR solid 7 hex honeycombs, but with gaps. I went with the latter so that when attacked, each 'gruppe' could at least support all its own components.

The Germans are also limited to putting 'minimum' 15 units on EACH of the 4 boards INCLUDING trucks. Given that there are 28 trucks, you can see how the groups will become very flimsy indeed.

*** IMPORTANT NOTE *** Remember in Sinister Forces all woods are normal woods, there are NO light woods.

Anyway, heres the resume of the battle itself.


The SS units here had set up in four separate ‘honeycombs’ all far separated from each other. One was set in Beglevo itself. Then one far to the south of Beglevo in the forest areas comprised mainly of ordnance and transports (who’d probably need to escape) and two honeycombs far to the east and right in the path of the oncoming Soviet advance. However, they had deployed so that any Soviet incursion would immediately give the chance of the ‘Achtung’ order getting out as early as possible. If the Germans were to claim some kind of victory, they would need to hold the town of Beglevo and make sure most of their supply trucks escaped to the south.

As expected, Soviet moves and attacks alerted the first units in the northeast. Despite attempts to get the stand=to message out (11+ on two dice), no message was received division-wide at least for the first 4 hours (15 turns). This had the effect of stymieing any chance of German counter-moves to halt the attack. For 2 hours, German losses were very low in the east side of the battle as the Soviets had only managed to overrun two AT batteries. This had cost the Soviets one MG platoon. What the Soviets had done though was to manoeuvre into very useful attack positions without receiving any opposition.

At 1245 hours, the 202nd Rifle Division attacked in earnest against the SS east-side positions. Over the next two hours, the German units were cut down and eliminated almost completely. Only one motorcycle platoon and a company of infantry were in a position to attempt a retreat towards Beglevo. Some of the Germans held out well, holding up the enemy for nearly an hour, but they too eventually fell. Of the escapees, the motorcycle unit made it away, but the company of infantry soon became embroiled in close combat and assaults with the numerous enemy. These would hold out till around 1515 hours (turn 22), but like those before them, were overrun.

The ‘achtung alarm’ was finally sent out at 1345 hours (turn 16) and the remaining third of the German forces spent their time readying themselves for the inevitable attack on Beglevo town. Soviet tanks, an armoured train, cavalry and infantry began the final advance. The attack here was a far more difficult affair for the Russians and this time they were having to absorb casualties during the attack. A large fight developed all round the town as the Red Army threw itself at the hemmed in defenders. By now, any remaining transports, just over half of them, had escaped to the south, meaning that this final battle around Beglevo would decide the days outcome.

The Germans needed to hold on to a substantial part of Beglevo and fought hard for ownership of the town. However, firepower from the train and accompanying tanks made the first holes in the towns defences as they forced back German MG teams from the town’s edge. At the same time, the other Soviet attackers were forcing themselves into parts of Beglevo. This whole battle was costing both sides many losses and their cohesion. But the Soviet numbers and higher morale were to make the difference. They were able to enter most of the town and even if not all areas were cleared, the German counter-attacks failed to remove the Soviets. At game end, German casualties were large. 31 steps of infantry, 13 transports, and 2 AT platoons for a total of 46 steps inflicted when 45 were needed. Soviet casualties came to 9 infantry steps, 2 AFV steps, and 1 cavalry step for a total of 14 steps. But the Germans, needing to control 6 hexes of town to tie the battle only managed to hold 2 of their own, and probably would have only owned 1 if the last turn had been played. 5 town hexes were disputed. Soviet major victory.

For me, this battle rated a '3' officially, but personally a '2', but only because of the miserable 'achtung' order not going out. It was horrid watching for 15 turns as the Soviets meandered into position, and I was not allowed to do anything meaningful. It hurt even more, that when it came to the end game, an earlier achtung may have saved 2 or 3 turns of final combat and perhaps a better result for the Germans. But this game, due to its variables can have any of the sides win. Not a bad bit of entertainment.

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