Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Second time is a charm
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-07-07
Language English
Scenario KurS012

Continuing with the Lifeguards large scenarios, The Diehards seemed interesting. Another set of multiple conditions that the Germans need to meet to win, this time they were able to achieve them. But to start this has a large SS force needing to force Soviet Guards out of two towns as well as keep the casualties low and Soviets high. The Germans have a infantry heavy force with some armor support, no Tigers this time, PzIII, PzIVs, Stugs and the Grille. There is also a good bit of artillery to pound the Soviet towns. The Soviets have two towns to defend that are separated by 4km. Both defending groups are Guards with some RKKA reinforcements. Minefield and entrenchments are thickly spread in front of the towns and on the road.

The German advance starts onto board 39. Units move quickly to secure the roads and the western most towns. Meanwhile the Soviets opt to contest board 39 by moving the RKKA reinforcements on the eastern board edge. A few exchanges of OBA yields no results and the initiative for turn two will be critical for positioning. The Germans with the initiative and quickly move 88's into the western town. German tanks cut the north-south road and take some long range AT fire from guns in entrenchments on board 37, but no hits are taken. The Soviets position to drop off the tank riding SMG's (Note only SMG's can ride tanks in Kursk) in the western town on board 39, while others postion for the hill. OBA come in on the Soviet tanks with SMG's onboard and score the games first kill. German infantry advance toward the western town. Long range HMG fire start to disrupt the SMG's in the town and the infantry is able to close. A quick assault and the Soviets take a step loss to the combine SCH/ENG attack. Not willing to fight it out the Soviet defender flee taking more casualties. The supporting T-34s spring into action disrupting some of the Germans, the the 88's in the town strike home on the T-34's with a kill.

At this point the other T-34's on the hill try to move down toward the 88's and try to bring some Stugs and PGIII's to the south into range of the southern AT's. Closing on the town the Stugs fire but miss and the PGIII's move to flank the T-34's. German SCH also advance in to the town to defend the 88s. Soviet OBA lands on the western most town with accurate fire disrupting the 88's and demoralizing the defenders. Things look tough for the Germans, but long range AT fire by the Marders hit the T-34's for a step loss. More German SCH advance to defend the 88's while German OBA strike the supporting Soviet SMG's.

German will is still high and the next turn has the Germans looking to hit the T-34's before they get into town. This time the Stugs have the range and hit the other T-34. But Soviet AT fire from board 37 hits a Stug. German infantry looks to advance on the burning T-34's to finish them off. The Soviets call in their OBA, but in the confusion hit the burning T-34s. The Soviets look to pull the remnants of the attack back to the with the remaining SMG's and T-70's to defend the hill. (At this point the Germans are half way with the Soviet loss condition)

Turning to the north a large contingent of SCH/ENG/HMG as well as PZIII and PzIV's look to clear the northern towns. Several key leaders advance with to help with the impending assaults. German OBA start on the entrenchments while ENG's look to clear the roads of mines. Soviet OP fire is weak as well as the OBA. Soon the first entrenchment is engaged and a heavy counter assault by the Soviet repulses the attack. More SCH and PzIV's are moved up but a heavy AT presence makes it tough. OBA is called in again and the AT's are disrupted. A second assault proves better than the first and the Germans have the entrenchment leading to the main town on board 38. Casualties are still low and the Soviets are rising.

At this point the Soviets have a decision about their last reinforcements, help the north, help the center or position for the south. They opt for the attack in the north, moving units on in the east. The Germans press the main town on board 38. Several assaults start with the Germans getting the better of the attacks. Slowly grinding the Soviets down, the Germans press but with reinforcements on the way it will be tough.

Opening up a second attack on the remnants of the Soviet force on board 39, they look to eliminate it to gain the casualties. SCH's leading the way they dash forward for the hill. The T-70's are soon spotted and taken out by the Marders on the western hill. Assaults popup and the Soviet SMG's and INF are reduced and they retreat. (At this point the Germans have the Soviet casualties they need, now just a need for a town.)

The German now look north and move most of the force forward to attack. The Soviets, still holding some of the main town look to consolidate there defenses. But now the full force of Stugs and PzIVs are placed on the towns. More assaults popup, but the German combination of SCH/ENG/HMG proves effective while the tanks hold off the T-34's. Eventually the Soviets commit some to counter attack, but the Stugs and PzIV's prove better and hold them off with step losses. But the Germans still need to capture two heavily fortified town to the north east. SCH/ENG/HMG teams move forward with OBA pounding the "triple-deckers" Soviet morale holds but the Germans get a step loss in one attack. Stugs and PzIVs keep the remaining T-34s at bay while the assaults begin. They turn into wild melees with the Soviets pouring troops in and hitting the town assaults with OBA and the Germans pouring in more SCH to counter it. Eventually the Soviets lose out and the towns fall to the Germans achieving a victory.

As side notes the Soviet units on board 37 did try to advance and kill German units defending board 39, including the 88's but were repulsed by the 88's and SCH dug in in front of them. The aircraft proved ineffective again with the Germans getting the most sorties but rolling a lot of 1's and 2's for target rolls. The Soviets had a couple but no marked results.

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