Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Kursk South Flank, scenario #38: Dueling with Death’s Head
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2012-06-29
Language English
Scenario KurS038

This is another larger scenario but unlike Purple Haze, Dueling with Death’s Head only has 2 maps and not as many units but a lot for two maps. There are four victory objectives and depending on how many the Germans do or don’t achieve will determine the victory levels of both sides. The Soviets start on the map, mostly dug-in with lots of Infantry, Tanks, AT-Guns and other Heavy Weapon Support units. The Germans will enter from the South with a large group of Infantry, Tanks, AFV’s and other support units but more important, they have 4 x16 off board artillery units. They do not have to enter each unit on turn one if they choose not to but there only 18 turns to do a lot of work. Both sides roll for air-support every turn. Looks like a good one!

In this one, I setup the majority of the Soviet units on the east-west road dug-in with a second line of defense and support just a little behind and artillery with a little armor as a third line to support of move up and fill holes. The Germans moved on to the southern edge of the map cautiously with their stronger armor and one Lieutenant Leader to sneak up in the fields and spot for the off-board artillery. For three turns the German armor trade shots with some forward dug-in Soviet T-34 tanks and try to drop off-board artillery into Soviet dug-in Infantry positions but at this rate they will never take their objectives, so on turn 4 all the Germans unit pile on the map and the two maps become one big battle of one type or another. Time is not on the Germans side and neither are the dice. The Germans clear the east-west road only on one map, exit 20 units but lose more than 20 steps, only achieving 2 out of 4 objectives for a Minor Soviet Victory. Trying to remove a stone-wall in 18 turns is difficult.

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