Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Kursk South Flank, scenario #36: Watching Those Old Raindrops Fall
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-06-23
Language English
Scenario KurS036

A smaller size two map scenario loaded with a variety of unit types and interesting victory conditions. Also the visibility will change at some point.

The Germans have to setup one small group of units forward on the map 39 larger hill hexes which includes the Grille German 150mm SP and some Infantry units. The rest of the Germans setup back on map 38 in the larger town hexes and a third group will start rolling on turn 3 to enter the battle on the east edge of map 38. The larger hill hexes on map 39 and the larger town hexes on map 38 and eliminated enemy steps count as the victory points with each side being reward some different points for each. The Soviets enter their whole force on the north map edge on turn one. Like I said before there are an interesting mix of unit types on both sides.

The Soviet run into the smaller dug-in German force on the Hills on map 39 and detaches their lighter T-70 tanks and some infantry to handle the situation. Unfortunately for the Germans, they had to use the 150mm SP as an AT gun instead of using the large direct fire against infantry. The Soviet trade a T-70 unit for a German 150mm Grille SP unit as there were too many T-70’s. The Soviet also at some point gain control of all the larger hill hexes on map 39 but as they started to engage the Germans on map 38 for control of the large town, the Germans rolled very well and their reinforcements arrive on turn 3. No luck for the Soviets, as they can’t hold off the reinforcements and assault the larger town hexes without dividing their forces, not to mention still having units to control the hill hexes up north. They did attempt it but started taking too many casualties.

The Game ended with the Soviets controlling the hills on map 39 and the Germans controlling all but one of the larger town hexes on map 38. The Soviet lost 24 steps and the Germans lost 16 but the total victory points figured 26 for the Soviets and 36 for the Germans giving the Germans a Major Victory. Had the Germans not received their reinforcements so early, on turn number 3, it would have been a much closer contest and it could have gone either way. It would have been very interesting but even without this it was a very interest puzzle of a scenario to play.

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