Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Kursk South Flank, scenario #33: Struggle at Storozhevoe
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2012-06-15
Language English
Scenario KurS033

This was a fun scenario to play. It starts off with a small group of German mixed unit types basically defending 4 town hexes and surrounding area and a large group of mixed infantry and tank heavy Soviet Guard and RKKA units either attacking from the other map or a second similar group coming onto to map, both combining into one big hammer against the German who desperately need their large battle-group of reinforcements to arrive, which consist in a large part of Infantry, APC’s and StuGIIIG assault guns. But this group won’t be available until sometime after turn three depending on the dice roll. The Germans have off-board artillery, the Soviets on-board artillery and both roll for air-support every turn.

In my game, the Soviets consumed the Germans on map 37 before the German reinforcements arrived on turn 9 and setup blocking armor units to protect their infantry which now had control of the town hexes on map 37. They fought it out some more but in the end I threw in the towel as the Germans player, as they had too strong of a grip on the town hexes and the Germans had lost too many steps. Most of the Soviet losses came early when they were the attacker. The Soviets had a Major Victory with 41 points to 22 German points.

This is a really fun, small-medium size scenario to play. If the Germans reinforcement had arrived earlier when the Soviets were still battling it out on in the town, it would have been any ones game! The Soviets get some cool SU-122 and KV1s in this scenario. Both sides get to be the attacker and the defender in this scenario. This one has a high replay value and I will rank this one high.

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