Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
RKKA Slaughtered (Again)
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-06-22
Language English
Scenario Gr46007


1946 - Hypothetical

The main objectives:

Meeting engagement. Capture the high ground and inflict casualties.

Time = 6 hours (24 turns)

Opening Thoughts

Yikes. Meeting engagement of the GD army versus the RKKA?! I’m giving the GD odds of 100:1. ;) This is not going to be pretty.

Although the Soviets do have pretty good tanks, the Panther IIIs are just so deadly. To have a fighting chance they’ll have to target the Panthers with their air support and Pershings before they can wipe out the Soviet armour.

The foot battle is strongly skewed in the German’s favour. With double the firepower, those Stormtroopers will wreck havoc on the low morale Soviet infantry. Also, the Katzchen will add to their firepower. If the Soviets can’t win the tank battle, then foot battle will be disaster.

German strategy is to take their two hills while pressing the armour up the centre road. German infantry will advance in APCs outside of Soviet armour sight/range.

Soviets will abandon their vulnerable trucks and advance on foot. They can move almost as fast across the desert sand and hills anyway.


Germans enter in the north, Soviets enter from the south.

I have 3 pages of notes to outline how the battle unfolded. I’ll summarise with this: German forces were unstoppable and quickly broke the Soviets. By turn 18 the last Soviet unit was eliminated and one demoralised Soviet Captain fled the battle.

Some highlights of the battle:

The AT Missile loaded helicopters closed in on the Pershings but were shot down!

X7s raced forward in their APCs and unloaded against the Pershings. They were then smashed by Soviet OBA.

By turn seven the casualty count was 24-75.

T-34s squared off against the Pz42ts and kept them busy enough for the Soviet SMG platoons to close in and assault the German armour. 5 platoons of Pz42t were eliminated.

Germans only lost 51 step-equivalents in the battle. Soviets lost everything. (guess 200 steps?)



I’m going to “copy” most of my Aftermath from scenario 6. Because it is the same.

This was a major slaughter. Soviet RKKA just didn’t have a chance. The excellent German leaders and incredible firepower of the Grossdeutschland army made it look very easy against the low morale RKKA.

Although some fun is had with the German helicopters, this scenario is really too imbalanced for anything but solo play. There are much better scenarios to enjoy in this module.

Scenario 8 is against the British and their Centurions. That should be a much closer battle!

Scenario Rating: 2/5 – For massive imbalance.

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