Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
The Three Bridges were indeed sizzling!
Author PatC (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor United States
Participants unknown
Play Date 2012-06-13
Language English
Scenario WiSo006

The U.S. set up in three lines. On the 40 meter ridge on Bd. 25, in the woods just west on the crossroads on bd 25 in hex 0709. Also on bd 12 just east of the river with and Engineer platoon and a ATG platoon and a company of infantry. At the start the those units fall back through the town. The engineer digs in at the bridge and the infantry company to the woods on bd 12 in hexes 1209 and 1210.

The Axis decide that a frontal assault on the 40 meter ridge is not practical so they opt for a frontal assault. By 1200 this line was showing signs of breaking but they were still holing out. On three occasions the Axis failed morale checks to assault. This more than anything held up the Axis advance.

By 1245 the 40 meter ridge line was finally taken by the Axis. At this point the Allies had lost 9 steps to the Axis none but time was running out. At 0130 the bridge was finally destroyed, on the 4th try! All this while the Axis units were in the bridge hex in assault.

But despite having the bridge blow up in their faces at 1:45, the Axis managed to knock out the ATG platoon and a step of infantry on a snake eyes roll. If the Axis engineer can force the Allies away from the river with direct fire they can assist a crossing by other units and take some town hexes.

By games end the Axis controlled three town hexes the bridge hex and had eliminated more steps than the Allies.

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