Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
How to lose a battle, inflict 75% casualties on the enemy for no losses and capture your objective ???
Author waynebaumber (United States)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2012-05-29
Language English
Scenario WiSo012

Vince has written an excellent AAR about this one, so I will just give my own views on this one. With 5 plays and 5 German wins it would be safe to say this one may be a little unbalanced,a rarity with one of Mr Perryman's scenarios as he is IMHO an excellent scenario designer, the US units have too little time, the Germans have terrain and the weather in their favour to make anything but a German win the most likely outcome. Our game though was almost surreal in the way it played. My units demoralized far too easily and Vince could not hit the proverbial barn door. It was strange to hear Vince moaning, and boy did he moan, about his shooting at the same time I was crying over the way my INF kept breaking. To be fair to Vince he had lots of 11,16,22 and I think a couple of 30 shots with not an X in sight, my shooting was far better though not good enough to win the game. The VCs have the US trying to capture the town and clear a north south road, this can not be done if the German does a decent set up with defense in depth. Before the game I had set up the Germans the way I would do if playing the SS, Vince's set up when playing the game was almost identical, I had two units in the town he opted for one, indicating to me that the initial German set up is fairly simple and should ensure a victory. Just a 2 rating for this one, way too one sided for me. Follower's of Vince and myself games would prehaps like to note over 4 sessions, 18 hours, 100 plus turns and 2 games where I was the attacker Vince has failed to inflict a single step loss. Is this a record?

2012-05-30 03:40

Follower's of Vince and myself games would prehaps like to note over 4 sessions, 18 hours, 100 plus turns and 2 games where I was the attacker Vince has failed to inflict a single step loss. Is this a record?

I'd imagine so. If you want to continue the streak of impotence there are a few scenarios in Arctic Front Deluxe where the Finns are ambushing sluggish and ill-equipped Soviets... :-)

2012-05-30 04:52

Thanks Shad, we have yet to hit Arctic Front, I am very wary of those super Finns. This is the second time that Vince has won a scenario without inflicting any losses, that is perhaps a testament to the game system, or an indictment of how crap a player I am...... Lol

2012-05-30 09:05


You have 2 x gimmies in the pipeline. The Skype is the 100% US winning Stymied from Winter Soldiers and the next ftf game we have is that 'Impossible to lose' for the Soviets Demyansk Pocket from Sinister Forces. You have only good times ahead :-)

All my counters in the meantime are on the ranges PRACTICING !!

2012-05-30 14:20


Save some of those dice rolls for me :-)

2012-05-30 16:39

You should win Croc-Rock even if I roll continuous snake-eyes !!!

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