Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
An game of two halfs
Author waynebaumber (France)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2012-05-12
Language English
Scenario FaoF013

Played against Herr Hughes, FtF in one sitting, this is a good scenario in the fact that both sides are on the attack. With a small German force on board at the start of the game the onus is on the French to advance and take town hexes and inflict casualties before the German reinforcements arrive, for when they do the boot is on the other foot as the Germans are combat engineers with good firepower, with armour and SPG support who will roll through the French fairly easily. The French attack went ok, the famed GD units were no match for accurate French fire and elan, I note that Herr Hughes in his AAR thinks the French attack was slow to get going for this the blame lies on Fraulein Hughes and her excellent bacon and egg baguette which may led to a certain sluggishness from yours truly. Actually I was trying not to lose any step losses needlessly, however I did make the first of many small errors in this game by trying to take the final village and its defending 37mm guns "on the bounce" the attack failed and in the end tied up 3 French Inf units who were all eventually destroyed. As the German counterattack began I fell back one hex at a time and for a while was quietly confident that I had the right tactics (which IMHO I did) and sufficient troops to hold the Germans. I made another error when that pesky armoured car nabbed my commanding officer, an excellent move by Vince who was prepared to sacrifice a unit to set the move up. Fortune does favour the brave sometimes. The armoured car then ran around my rear making a nuisance of itself this distracted my tanks who had to move back to recapture town hexes. The German pressure grew and the mixture of ENG,tanks, better morale and leaders meant that almost every assault meant step losses, my third error was in not giving up the final single hex village and retreating before being assaulted meant a swing of 8 VPs in the last two turns. This game is a lot closer than previous results indicate and I am curious has to how many of those games were played to the end.

1 Comment
2012-05-12 15:31

Fantastic comment on the egg and bacon baguette Wayne..... A good move to slow the brain cells down in an opponent by letting his endorphynes take lead place over tactical thinking !

Could it be the Coronation chicken put in the coup de grace at lunch ? With the chocolate muffin burying you at high-tea...

Final analysis, an enemy may march on its stomach, but can not fight at the end of such march :-)

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