Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
By the hair of their chinny-chin-chin
Author campsawyer (Soviet Union)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2012-05-05
Language English
Scenario WoaP001

This scenario is probably the closest PG scenario I have ever played, with it falling to the success or failure of a morale check to win the game. It is a tough one for both sides as the Germans have a smaller force with several vulnerabilities while the Soviets have a larger force with very bad morale. This one keeps the Komissars moving. The Germans must deny the Soviets their victory conditions, but the conditions are favored to the Soviet defenders, with setup and number of troops. The Soviets are very limited with reduced units with a morale of 5, that will nearly guarantee the Soviets will break when fired upon. Leader draws will be critical for the Soviets and in our player the Soviets were average, but the Germans received better than normal leaders most will some sort of modifier and several with +2 mods. The OBA favors the Soviets with 42 factors to the Germans 16 and it is well needed for the Soviet defense.

With the setup, the Soviets setup their picket line on the north-south road on board 25. With the Soviet armor up front with the home guard troops to deter the German light tanks. A second line is setup at the river line on board 20 with the Soviet 76mm guns and the only good infantry troops they have, the SMG's. The German advance comes on the south east of the board 25. Moving their way through the woods the infantry brushes aside the Soviet pickets and are soon on to board 20, but they have left their support weapons behind due to the threat of Soviet artillery fire and tanks. Soviet troops scramble to stem the coordinated drive into the Soviet defenses and eventually get fire on the troops disrupting and demoralizing some before they make it to the river.

The German light armor moves north to try to push to the bridge on board 20. Accompanied by HMG's they look to advance on the town. Soviet tanks move to block the advance and take out a few of the light armored tanks. The KV-1's lumber across to firing positions as 76mm MTN guns provide the deterrent to the armored thrust. Eventually they are stopped and force to turn back. The HMG's press on but eventually take causalities to stall there advance.

But to the south the main German force advances up toward the well defended town at 810. Soviet artillery gets some good shots at the Germans reducing and demoralizing them during there advance, but German leadership keeps them in the game. The Soviets start to struggle with morale as the German Major takes charge at the front and leads a charge toward the town. Soviet home guard forces melt and the Germans are able to get a INF into the town to contest it. Soviets make strong counter attacks on the German but it remains there until the end of the game. Then it comes to having the Germans maintain 6 steps across the river. Heavy DF and BF is not good enough to demoralize or kill the Germans and the keep the units across the river giving them a minor victory.

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