Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Good Solo scenario
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2012-04-18
Language English
Scenario TaBa036

This small scenario, playable in less than three hours, has a Soviet force trying to recapture a German held town. The Soviets have nearly a 3-1 advantage in numbers and armour support. The Germans have better morale and in my game the mighty +2 leader. The Germans start in or near the town, the Russians at least 5 hexes away from said town. The Soviets went for a North/South attack which started well pushing the outlaying German picket forces back into the town. More German discomfort soon followed as an SOS barrage landed short causing friendly fire losses. (Trust this to happen in a solo game and not against Herr Hughes) However accurate rifle and MG fire and disrupted the Soviet southern thrust and the first large urban assault in the north had led to Soviet losses. This assault in fact would not be resolved the entire game with units disrupting and rallying but with no side gaining an advantage. The Soviet player seeing that his units lacked the close combat cutting edge tried to use point blank fire from his light tanks to soften up the German defenders prior to launching the final assault, this did cause some losses and the German lines contracted to just two stacks each end of the town. These though proved just too tough a nut to crack for the Red Army and by game end the Soviet commander had failed to take the town, as for the German VC they has lost too many units to claim a victory so a draw was the result. This game is almost perfect for a quick solo session and the result was in doubt until the last turn.

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