Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
All guns to the front, no matter how tired you are.
Author campsawyer (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants armyduck95 (AAR)
Play Date 2012-04-15
Language English
Scenario NoEl008

This scenario was play in long and very late Skype session with Armyduck95. It was an enjoyable scenario played with double blind rules. The scenario is favored for the Germans, but the lack of intelligence really gave them the edge. The Americans were played well and even had a bit of excitement at the end, but German firepower won the day.

The Germans have a force of worn down infantry and armored troops defending the town of Munsterbusch to face a American armored division spearheading an attack onto German soil. The German force is mainly infantry with just two armored units, a Panther and a Hetzer, but a couple of AT guns boost the defenses. They have backing by three divisional batteries of 105mm behind the lines. The leadership is good, but morale is low due to continual fighting and harassing by American airpower. But with all this the Germans put up a defense.

Setting up to the south of Munsterbusch, the Germans position kill zones for both armor and infantry that covers eighty percent of the American potential advance. The Panther is positioned in the center town hexes with an AT gun just behind it the other town, with the Hetzer covering the German right center-right flank. The one area of woods is covered by infantry with AT gun support in the town closest to the woods. Other HMG's and GREN's are forward positioned in the towns and fields to cover and type of infantry advance. In the town of Munsterbach, the German LT Col command just a couple of platoons and an infantry gun to provide defense if an American breakthrough occurs.

The game starts out with good visibility that allows for orbiting P-47's to try to attack the defending Germans, but the planes decide not to attack without more identification. So the tanks advance and it is first noticed in the woods on the German left flank. Several HMG's and M4/76's take a position to cover the towns in the center of board 22. Firing at dugin Germans in front of the towns they are able to disrupt the worn troops. Fleeing back more P-47's appear after the clouds clear again double disrupting the demoralized GREN. But in positioning American troops and M3 is caught in the sights of a 75mm AT gun that rips it apart with it's loaded INF. German spotting id's the American fire group that opened on the GREN's and the German 105mm's reduce an HMG that was part of the firegroup. Other Americans units are discovered on the German left by the covering GREN's in the woods to the left. Realizing the force of the Americans, the German pull back into the woods and slowly give ground to the American infantry and armor.

German fire discipline by the other 75mm AT gives in to the M4/76 sitting in its sights and after a missed initial shot, scores a complete kill on the tank. But return fire demoralizes and eventually double demoralizes the gun, leaving a hole in the German center. More movement occurs as the Americans look to turn the German left. Heavy German fire from the OBA 105's and GREN OP fire take out three American steps, before the American Lt. Col. is caught is German OP fire and killed, stunning the American advance.

The German Hetzer is shifted from the German right flank to the center fields to provide cover to the German left and center. American halftracks ready to assault the town on the left make a tempting target and two M3's are destroyed. This brings out the American M18's to take long range fire on the Hetzer, but miss. This trigger the German Panther to open fire from the center town, destroying one of the M18's.

The Americans continue to pound the town on the German left. The area is held by three GREN's and the 75mm AT gun, with a LT and SGT commanding. American fire takes out one full GREN, but the 75mm destroys and advancing M4/76 and the supporting Panther finds targets in two more M3's. The Americans continue to reduce the GREN's, but at a heavy cost of INF's, M4's and M3's. Eventually assaulting the German held town and bringing more unit up force the Germans to spike their AT guns and try to get to the safety of the center towns. Heavy American cover fire reduce and destroy the remaining GREN and LT with the SGT getting away.

With the German left flank open the American regroup in the cover of the woods and start to head north in the cover of the woods. The Germans shift troops to the north to reinforce the LT Col. holding the town. Reserve GREN's head out of the fields on board 22 as well as the Panther heading back to the northwest to the back side of Munsterbauch. The LT Col. shifts his small force to cover the eastern advances to the town while the Americans pick their way through the woods. American OBA is able to get a kill on one of the reinforcing GREN's but the other two make it into town, just as the American appear to the east, but the Panther is trailing behind.

The M18 appears on the east west road looking to drive into the town, but spots GREN's and an infantry gun blocking the way. Shifting north the supporting American M3's look to get around the German defenders by spotting the open town hexes. The M18 dashes forward to get around and position in the town, but German OP fire puts a stop to that with demoralizing morale check. This buys enough time for the Germans to position the reinforcing GREN's and get the Panther and Hetzer into position, preventing any town loss. The game end with the Germans in possession all but one town and the Americans with many casualties.

1 Comment
2012-04-16 06:50

Yeah - it happened like that :)

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