Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Encore, encore!
Author deleted
Method Solo
Victor Australia
Play Date 2012-04-14
Language English
Scenario AfKo001

Encore, encore!

Played this scenario again, and really focused on the Italians, but it just didn’t matter. The Aussies really want to be dug in here, as the only arty is on the 10 column 1x per turn, so unless you cannot roll your way out of a dice tower, you should be fine. In this case, the Italians tried to rush the objective, to at least grab a draw, but it did not even matter. It was not opportunity fire that did it; it was a lucky shot by the one 3 incher. The Italians rolled poorly and disrupted half their stack, and were totally immobile the rest of the game. The other stack of Italians was not about to charge this goal alone, and the time just ran out. The Aussies got a step loss before that happened, so I guess technically it was a draw, but it was sure ugly for the Italians.

I am amazed that PGHQ shows so many Italian victories on this scenario. Maybe if I hung the Aussies out instead of digging them in…but why do that? I played both sides to win, which means my Aussies are digging to China on this one!

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