Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
The scrap yard
Author Bart
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-04-12
Language English
Scenario FaoF009

For the French I decided on a line defense roughly running north-south across the middle of the battlefield including the southern village on bd 28 and the hamlets north of it. I found it difficult to decide where to place the roadblock but finally put it on the northern rim of that same village blocking a possible approach from the north. I decided to keep the tanks in the back as flexible reserves who could be employed any time when necessary. The German attack was two- pronged with the main weight on the south intending to occupy the eastern villages as soon as possible. Initially it was my intention to make it a combined attack but decided on grouping the PzI's and II's together as freely roaming packs to occupy the hinterland. The PzIII and IV would support the infantry. Soon however the French counter attack with the tanks decimating the weak panzers while the terrific French 47mm's wiped out the support tanks. Up until.. the frightening 88mm was deployed on the northern hills. My first play with an 88, it was a blast.. :-) After deployment it picked off one H39 after another with a few steps of S35 to boot. The French tried to neutralise the threat but it did not work because In the meantime the German infantry was working on the French infantry defense and were successful in doing so. At 17.15 the French called it a day only occupying the nortwestern village with its remaining S35's. There were no French infantry leaders left. All H39's were destroyed while 13 S35 steps remained. The Germans won a major (124 VP against 82) but the cost was high: only 3 steps of PzII and 3 steps of PzIII remained. The battleground had turned into one giant scrap yard.

Nice medium sized scenario with a plethora of choices you can make on attack and defense. Lots of armor to move and shoot with and don't forget the 88mm. A deserved 4!

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