Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Draw at the Zon Bridge
Author rerathbun
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2012-02-15
Language English
Scenario Airb016

Americans and Germans both get some good leaders, with a mix of Morale and Combat bonuses.

The Americans approach the bridge (the objective for both sides) using the woods as cover. The Germans move up from the town and dig in in front of the bridge.

The German 88 and mortars shell the paratroopers firing from the edge of the woods. They get a few disruptions, but the Americans quickly recover. Meantime, the paratroopers shoot really well. [Over the course of an hour, they hit snake-eyes twice on the 7 table (11 DF Factors against Dug-in opponents).] One half-platoon flees to the town, and the remaining half-platoon is wiped out in an assault.

During the 45 minutes it takes to approach and finish assaulting the dug-in Grenadiers, the German half-platoon in the town recovers and moves up to the bridge. As soon as the Americans clear the assault hex, the Germans blow the bridge, ensuring a Draw.

This is not a bad small scenario aside from the victory conditions. The Americans have to keep things moving in order to take the bridge in the limited time, but the Germans can get a draw just by blowing the bridge. Since blowing the bridge is almost a sure thing, it feels like the Americans are just playing for a draw.

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