Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A hard earned draw?
Author waynebaumber (France)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Draw
Participants campsawyer (AAR)
Play Date 2012-02-08
Language English
Scenario FaoF011

This was played via Skype v Alan Sawyer, played in just over 3 hours this was a most enjoyable scenario. Alan played the Germans who are on the defensive, the Germans have to hold on to two small towns in the NW corner of board 27. The French come on from the west just as dawn is breaking, the French have a mixed arms group with two armoured car platoons in support. Alan's set up left the smaller of the two town empty of troops, thereby concentrating his firepower to defend the larger village. Using the cover of darkness the French armoured car swept through the deserted village followed by infantry. A firegroup formed in woods to the south of the main village and a smaller group skirted the fields to the north. The plan was to surround the foe and then pin all his units in close combat during the last few turns thus securing victory, a key part to this plan was not to incur many losses. Well one of two forces involved in this battle did just that. Regrettably it was not the valiant French. With a few well aimed shots (2 X double 1 and a 3) the chance of victory was cruelly snatched from Gallic hands. Now could the French commander salvage a draw? Bravely continuing with the basic plan, the French waited till the closing turns and threw themselves forward pinning the Germans in the town, once again there were some French losses but now the German commander would have to launch some counter attacks. He did so but to no avail by game end the German did not control any town hexes, the French though suffering 9 step losses controlled 4 town hexes. Result a draw. Strangely both players were happy with the result. The German player believing that the French have the advantage in the scenario, the French commander pleased that with the early losses he had kept faith with the plan and got his draw. The game went down to the last turn, and was a lot of fun. Not much in the way of replay value so only merits the 4 rating. A good quick scenario.

2012-02-08 16:24

Congratulations on reaching 100 AARs Wayne!

2012-02-09 08:26

Thanks where my medal, or at least a mention in despatches

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