Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Zhukov is Livid
Author PaperTiger
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-02-07
Language English
Scenario EFDx062

The Soviets began the engagement in good order and gained early momentum, including the amazing early elimination of German armor. However, by mid-morning the initiative went over to the Germans due to three major factors:

1) German artillery made the superior showing. In one memorable exchange, the Germans laid down a factor 16 bombardment and rolled for a step loss. The Soviets immediate answered on the factor 30 column and rolled to no effect. Such a disparity of outcome was pretty typical throughout the engagement.

2) While morale was evenly matched with even a slight edge for Soviet half-steps, Red Army units broke quicker and recovered slower.

3) Nowhere was the Soviet morale problem more evident than in its leadership. They had a demoralized LtCol eliminated for failure to pass a second morale check, a Lt that spent most of the engagement cowering in the woods, and a Kommissar who deserted when/where he was most needed. This left their troops unable to advance in good order just when it was needed the most.

The Germans took advantage of the Soviet leadership problems to adapt their defenses and then counterattacked at midday. Their plans were thrown into chaos with the loss of their commanding officer. The Soviets, now rallied and regrouped, found a weakness in the German left to that could be exploited.

It was too late for a Soviet victory. The Germans again responded to the threat and inflicted too many losses on the Red Army for it to meet its victory conditions.

2012-02-07 23:23

A great first AAR! Welcome to PG-HQ! Your personal bio is analogous to mine - coming from computer games, finding that there is something a little different (in a good way) about sitting down with the battle arrayed on a table in front of you. :-)

2012-02-08 04:15

Nice to see a new contributor to the AAR pages. Welcome to the game !

2012-02-08 05:53

Thanks for the welcomes, makes me feel right at home! I love this game and am really revved up to play more. I've enjoyed reading others' AAR's and am looking forward to writing more as I go.

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