Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Weapons of Mass Destruction – How can we stop the Krauts? Perhaps with a little bit of Mustard?
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2009-04-03
Language English
Scenario WhEa004


Sept 3, 1939. Germany is invading Poland. An accident in the Warsaw suburbs results in the German bombing with mustard gas.

Sept 8, 1939. Enraged, the Polish respond at Jaslo in Galacia with the only intentional recorded use of Chemical warfare in World War Two. The German 136th Mountain Regiment encounters Sulfer Mustard Mines “guarding” the bridges.

On the attack are elements of the German 2nd Mountain Division.

Defending the bridge and Polish towns are elements of the 11th Infantry Division.

The main objectives are simple: 1. Control the towns and bridge. 2. Eliminate the enemy.

Note: Score will be denoted by (x-y), where x=number of German steps lost, y=number of Polish steps lost.

With the afternoon sun glaring from the south, the Poles are embedded at their objectives.

1530 - 1545 The German attack begins from the west. They quickly advance up the road, and suffer only minor casualties (1-0)

1600 - 1645 The German Mountain forces close against the second small village. What is that smell in the air? SULFER-MUSTARD MINES! Those dirty… (2-0)

The Germans begin their assault on the two western most villages and the score is evened. (3-3)

1700 - 1715 Direct Mortar and Artillery attacks eliminate one and half German Mountain Platoons! (6-3)

Polish defenders in the two towns are assaulted by Germans. One Porucznik survives in the westmost village. The Polish forces in the woods are quickly overrun (6-9) Crime does not pay.

1730 - 1800

The German juggernaut moves east towards the bridge as the Polish are eliminated and their Kapitan captured in the second town. (6-12)

The Polish HMG nest at the bridge claims some victims as the German forces charge, stopping just short of the minefields (8-12)

1815 - 1830

German engineers discover more chemical mines in front of the Polish HMG nest. Some more Germans are cut down, but soon the Polish HMG defenders are disrupted and demoralized! (11-12)

The Germans begin to cross the river heading toward Jaslo.

1845 - 1915

The Polish HMG nest is overrun and the Polish troops are eliminated. (11-16) German forces on the exposed bridge are hit by Polish artillery (13-16)

The bridge and both western villages are now captured.

The German assault on Jaslo begins and one Polish mortar crew flees the town and is hit by German artillery while the second crew is captured (13-18)

1930 - One Hour to Go.

The Polish Anti-Tank battery in the woods is eliminated. (13-19)

The Battle for Jaslo continues. Only two Polish infantry platoons and 2 artillery batteries remain.

2000 – One Polish artillery battery is abandoned as the crews flee (12-20)

2015 - The Polish infantry platoon is reduced. It routs and is eliminated and the Polish Major is captured. (13-22)

For the Polish, the Battle is Over


The Germans obtain an overwhelming major victory.

Once again, the Polish are rolled by the Germans. I just seem unable to hold back the overwhelming German forces. So, I guess I’m getting the “historical” feeling of “How do I stop these Krauts?!”

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