Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Can the SS human wave overrun the Polish?
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2009-03-19
Language English
Scenario WhEa003


Sept 6, 1939. A few days after the invasion of Poland began, elements of Adolf Hitler’s Life Guards Regiment, assisted by armour from the 23rd Panzer Regiment marched towards the town of Pabianice. Here they encountered elements of the Polish 30th Infantry Division trying to stop them. As the morning hours progressed, Police and Civilians in the town rallied together forming up the Obrona Narodowa (National Guard) to help ward against the Waffen SS.

The main objective is to Hold/Capture Pabianice.

Note: Score will be denoted by (x-y), where x=number of German steps lost, y=number of Polish steps lost.

Polish are sleeping in their sandbags as the SS Waffen approaches

0700 As the morning Sun illuminates the fields, the Polish are greeted by a human wave of Waffen SS troops!

Gunfire flashes from the hills and the Waffen suffer the first casualties of the battle (2-0). The Polish are spotted!

Waffen SS begin to assault the Dug-in Polish at the bottom of the hill. One assault goes terribly wrong, and the Polish counter-attack. The SS Captain with his Pioneers are eliminated trying to flee (6-0). Further SS casualties are suffered in the southern woods (7-0)

As the fighting continues (8-0) the Polish Kapitan and Major retreat back to Pabianice to organise the Obrona Narodowa that are forming there.

Finally the Human wave is too much and two Polish platoons are overwhelmed. The Waffen SS continue their relentless push (10-4)

The defenses in Pabianice continue to muster as Germans launch a full assault. (11-5) German panzers aid the Waffen SS in the woods, but not before one platoon is demoralized by small arms fire!

Both sides suffer major casualties, a platoon of panzers is lost under Polish assault combined with AT Gun fire. Finally the Polish are completely overrun! The casualty toll rapidly begins to even out (17-15)

The hill is completely lost and the Waffen SS begin to congregate for their attack on Pabianice. (17-16)

Supported by Panzers from the 23rd, the Waffen SS begin their march across the open terrain. With only 2 hours to go until the 1330 deadline to capture the town, the Germans will have to assault soon. (18-18)

Following an artillery bombard, the Waffen SS advance against the town. The Polish ATG battery bypassed in the woods scores a lucky hit against the Pz38t! (21-19)

Germans launch a mass final assault against the Polish National Guard at Pabianice. (German artillery eliminates the Polish ATG nest) (23-23)

The Waffen SS manage a few breakthroughs, but continue to suffer casualties (26-25). One platoon of Polish National Guard is eliminated.

The Grandfather clock strikes 1:30pm and the battle is over.


Control of Pabianice Germans: 4 Polish: 15 Contested: 3

The Germans obtain a minor victory by securing the road and woods approaching Pabianice. The Polish suffer too many casualties to fulfil their minor objective. Waffen SS win. (boo!)


1.Having the German armour support the Waffen SS in their assaults turned the tide in the battle for the woods. Polish AT Guns were effective in the middle of the battle which limited the German ability to use their armour in the final assault on Pabianice.

2.Aside from this, The Waffen SS really suck at assaults due to their poor morale.

3.I appear to be much better at attacking than defending. The Polish are having a very tough time gaining a victory. The defence set on the hill succeeded in stalling the Germans long enough that the Polish succeeded in keeping the majority of the town, but they were eventually overwhelmed after inflicting initial damage. Perhaps after punishing the Waffen SS advance, they should have turned tail and ran for the town. Hmmm… I’ll have to try a fighting withdrawal the next time I’m in a similar situation.

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