Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A big SS steamroller
Author campsawyer (Britain)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2011-12-17
Language English
Scenario BlSS008

This was a scenario played via Skype with Vince Hughes over several sessions. An enjoyable scenario for one who likes to try to defend in a desperate situation as it is very difficult for the British. Two battalions must defend against four SS battalions with strong German armor support. The British have good OBA support and the chance of 3 aircraft attacks in the scenario and the victory conditions require the sides to get a much higher victory point level. The Germans have the numbers in all units, foot, armor and guns, but this also gives them the logistical challenge of keeping the units together.

As the British I knew I had to delay the Germans as long as I could on board 10 as there numbers would be overwhelming to the defenders. Setting up a reinforced company of RIFs/HMG's and ATs in the town and surrounding hills, they would rely on long range fire to slow the Germans as they slowly moved back trying to minimize casualties. Tharmoror of the 3rd Royal Tanks as well as the balance of the light infantry defended the hills and towns on board 27. The Germans just enter the board from the north.

The Germans moved on the board turn 1 and headed down toward the town. British fire was weak and the Germans were able to get units into position to fire on the town. Hitting the M3's first, they were able reduce the British firepower before they closed for assault. British OBA was able to score some kills while the Germans were moving, but there was mbehindeind them. A British Marauder was able to kill and disrupt the German mortars before they could on lineline to fire.

Quickly the Germans were able to closassaultssualt the units in the town. Without support many of the British needed to retreat, but some were destroyed by German fire. By turn 7 the Germans had the town on board 10 and the Brremnetsements were retreating, but blocking the panzers from advancing down the road.

As the Germans move forward they swept the British units back, which made it hard for them to conduct any mischief behind the German lines. One dug in group was able to hold out for a while, which allowed British artillery to hit the German reserves with some effect. Soon they were overwhelmed too.

Eventually the SS Panthers advances to contact the dugin Shermans on board 27. It the fight the British were able to knock out a Panther step but they lost three as well as an Achilles. This spelled the end for the British with the VP differential going over 16. In the end a German major victory.

In general a good scenario, but very hard for the British to stop an SS steamroller that crushes all that is infront of it.

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