Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
The Big Red One gets a bloody nose
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2011-12-17
Language English
Scenario NoEl007

This was played solo prior to a night shift. A nice simple night assault on the town. US force are on the defence. The German units can set anywhere more that 3 hexes from the town so an all round defence was adopted, this meant the Germans could examine the defence and choose where to strike. They went for a two prong assault a minor one from the NW and a major one from the SE. The German advance was unhindered by US fire initially but after 30 mins of milling about in the woods the Wermacht went in, using light woods as cover the Germans suffered minor casualties (two disruptions and a demoralized) but managed to get enough units to assault an adjacent town hex with some chance of inflicting losses if they won the initiative which they did for the only turn in the game. Close combat was now the order of the day, at both start thing were equal, but as more and more US units were drawn into assault hexes German numbers began to tell. German units began to infiltrate past Assault hexes and take empty town hexes, the US commander tried to react and withdrew units from close combat to form a "killer stack" reserve, ie the M4 HMG INF and 10-1-0 leader. There job was to retake town hexes and inflict losses. This worked after for a whole 30 mins eliminating a whole GREN platoon and taking back the centre of the town, but with the M4 disrupted the MG demoralized the "killer stack"was stuck and could not assist their hard pressed comrades. By GT 8 all 3 US stacks were in close combat the remainder of the town was in German hands and there was little the US commander could do, losses were mounting slowly for both sides, a counter attack in the down would be a very dicey affair. By GT10 that was the only option left and although there were was only one US step loses all was in vain as there were no German step losses and one tiny portion of the town was solely in American hands. The Germans for their had half the town under control and had inflicted 6 US step losses for 8 of their own. The Germans had inflicted another setback for the US in the efforts to break through the Westwall

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